ELECTION to Salvation is offered to all and as people accept God's gift of Salvation through His Grace, by repentance, it becomes an actual reality. The believer is incorporated into Christ's Elect by The Holy Spirit. There is a decision to be made by each individual of the race of Humankind. In Christ, people become righteous in the sight of God, through His love.
The Elect of The New Covenant are called The Body of Christ, The Bride of Christ, the people belonging to God. Election is individual and corporate. The certainty of an individual's destiny is determined by their belief in Christ.

God's elect people are those who are called, led by The Holy Spirit, being renewed, sanctified and made holy. Only believers in Jesus who continue in a Christian walk, guided by The Holy Spirit, established firm in The Truth of The Gospel, can Christ present as His Church before God, The Father. To be holy without blemish, who will be changed in a twinkling of an eye to perfection, at Christ's return.

God's chosen are those whom God knew would choose to accept Him. It is an act of will on the part of the individual, as it is a two-way action, and includes specifically the will of God. God's elect have certain responsibilities.

The basis for election is divine grace and not on human merit or works with the call of God to the Truths of Christ. The elect are assured of all privileges, and this calls for obedience and holy living. They are assured of His divine favour, assured of His presence, assured of salvation, assured of His protection, assured of becoming in the likeness of Christ, assured of justice, assured of glorification, assured of a place in heaven, assured of their spiritual destiny in God's City in the new world to come. God has an eternal purpose for His chosen people.
ISBN 0 9585763 6 X ©

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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Last updated August 2017