The foundation of Christian belief, life and character is not open to choice. Believers are like buildings. Humanism or good works built without Christ receive no reward. Builders are judged by their foundations. There can be no other beginning than Christ as The Truth, even though lives can be built in many different ways. Only one foundation is required.

To build upon Christ is worthwhile, valuable and lasting. The wise builder accepts Christ for who He is, hears His instructions, acts on them, and develops upon Christian discipleship principles and belief throughout life stands firm because it is founded on the Rock, which is Christ and His teachings, the firm and solid base. A house built on the solid rock is saved from devastation and can withstand storms; the builder's comforts peace, hopes and joy are secure.

There is a time when the testing of all that is built will be judged; of who has been a wise or foolish builder in their lifetime by their response of obedience to the words of Christ. The quality of work will be shown to be of value or worthless.

The person who is dutiful builds on Christ The Rock and His teachings, will also withstand death and God's judgment. The Christian who has continued to grow spiritually has built something that is of permanent value. Each person’s reward will be based on the worth of work done, the and of material used will be the type of reward that is received. Motivation, attitude and reason will be examined including the type of doctrine that is believed. The believer who has lived like an ordinary person of the world will lose what was achieved even though loss is suffered, salvation is not.

ISBN 0 9585763 6 X ©

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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Last updated August 2017