Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift to the praise and glory of God. His Gift is His own Son. God is the First giver; He first selflessly gives Himself to humankind in the person of his Son.

At God's appointed time His perfect Gift, filled with Himself was given for their redemption. A truth that Jesus repeatedly affirmed. The fact that The Father sent Jesus into the world teaches of His pre-existence as the Eternal Second Member of the Godhead.

Freely given, God gave His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ to undeserving humanity.

God's Gift was the Eternal Son of God; born of a woman, born into the nation of Israel and the truth of prophecy is witness to His unique personage.

Hallowed be God for the unspeakable gift of His grace, through Jesus Christ, for the infinite Gift of His love, through whom every good thing, pertaining to life and godliness, are freely and generously given.

ISBN 0 9585763 6 X ©

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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Last updated August 2017