The Lord Jesus declared himself to be the Resurrection and the Life, for Himself and others. He successfully carried out the purposes for which He was sent. He did not fail. He was taught of God, He had the strength of God, even though He was scarred and scorned by men, He was uncomplaining.

Though The Messiah was to die in disgrace, great honour awaited Him, resurrection and freedom He had gained for others, for as the conquering King, He shares His victory. God The Father awarded His Obedient Son and Servant because He poured out His life unto death for the sake of other's transgressions that they be made righteous.

The Resurrection of Jesus took place 3 nights and 3 days after His death and burial. God, as promised, raised Him from the dead by The Power of The Holy Spirit. Because Christ was sinless, death had no hold over Him. Being sinless, His Resurrection happened because of who He was.

Jesus had said, only He could lay down His life and take it up again. He is the source of Life and has the authority over death. In every sense He is the Resurrection; the basis, the substance, the first-fruits, the cause of it. He is Life and He gives both. His nature is such that the finality of death is impossible for Him.

Death will never triumph over Him. He always has had the power to have Eternal Life in Himself and the authority to share it.

ISBN 0 9585763 6 X ©

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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Last updated August 2017