Love has its source in God’s love through Christ.

The Father sent the Son into this world. The apostles attest to this. Everyone who believes that Jesus is God’s Christ, is born of Him. God guarantees believers that His love is toward them and is in themGod's love teaches to trust that they shall also be glorified with His Son Jesus. Having The Love and Spirit of God within assures them of their salvation, for His Spirit and His Love will definitely be where God is and not be separated from Him.

Love has its source in God’s love through Christ and finds it full expression when we care for other Christians more than ourselves. Obedience and good works towards others, are done from the principle of love, like that of a respectful child, who does services to a beloved father, and are done willingly and are not like the drudgery of one who unwillingly undergoes servant hood.

Although there is one natural Son in God's family, Jesus Christ, God graciously and lovingly adopts sinners and saves them from wrath and indignation, from under God's righteous judgement. Believers receive a heavenly inheritance.

The only way to become children of God is by adoption through God's Good Gift, The Lord Jesus Christ. God's Gift allows humankind to become full members of God's household. His Gift is His own Son. God is the First Giver and First Lover; He first selflessly gives Himself to humankind in the person of his Son.The purpose of God's Gift is to rescue and deliver humankind from slavery of sin and death.

The fact that Christ lives in us is proof and assurance that believers are saved from our sinful nature and judgement to come, for He is sinless and He will not be judged accordingly.

Jesus was manifested that he might reveal God's Love for rebels (sinners), taking away their sins and disclose that He has plans for their future.

The sins of the people of God's creation are totally forgiven by the once and for all sacrifice of Christ Jesus God's Son, on the Cross at Calvary. This was God's plan to accept people who trusted in Christ, as righteous (made right with Him) by the atoning of The Blood of Christ. A person who is reconciled to God, through Christ, is one who believes and knows who Christ is, and what He has done for them. He is The Son of God, The Only redeemer and Saviour. No other person can make us right with God. This is a legal declaration when a person puts their trust in Christ and makes a covenant relationship with Him, being reconciled to god, and because of Christ's death and resurrection a believer has Eternal Life, to live with God forever.

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Last updated August 2017