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HOSEA Minor Prophet of Pre-exile era date 755-710 B.C.

The Book of Hosea is named after the prophet to minister to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Hosea means Salvation

The Book of Hosea warned the people because of their sin, judgement will come. Salvation was possible only if the people would listen and turn away from their idolatry. Under the guidance of The Lord, the theme of the book illustrates their adulterous sin but also the redemption and restoration of the people after repentance. God's faithfulness and holiness abhors the spiritual adultery of His people. God's compassion is revealed in the book's contents. It shows clear strength of God's love even though the time was known as Israel's 'Golden Age', the worship of God was not sincere.

The book represents forty years of prophetic ministry. The teaching focus is on the fact that backsliders should be wise and return to God.

The Book of the prophet Hosea is the first Book of Twelve Minor Prophetical Books including Pre-exile History in The Promised Land.


HOSEA 6:6(b)

To know God is to personally acknowledge Him as Lord of life, and know that God's heart is full of restoration blessings and loving forgiveness. People are to choose to seek and pursue the value of knowing Him for who He is.

True knowledge of The Lord God provides the basis for belief and obedience. Knowing God as who He is, brings the right attitude and right nature of the heart, otherwise all is meaningless and worthless. Devotion is not head knowledge, it is genuine recognition of God's authority, a steadfast and constant love that responds to His love and a personal acknowledgement of Him as The Almighty Sovereign Lord, this knowledge produces obedience to His will.

God desires of His servants, loyalty. Anything apart from faithfulness is unacceptable conduct of a 'royal priesthood', for God longs to give His mercy.

God wants to nourish an individual relationship with mankind and Himself. He longs for an attitude of love in the hearts of His preferred godly assemblage. God hungers for results of a repentant lifestyle, and appeals for His people to do what is right, not people just going through the motions of superficial rituals with their hearts empty and far away from Him.

God desires devotion and those who know His greatness do give the adoration due Him.


Christ is portrayed as God's Son in Egypt, Healer and Restorer, Husbandman.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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