Gehenna/Hell is the state of final punishment for the wicked, all who die in their sins and in irreverent condition.
Life as the conscious continuation of the individual personality does not end with physical death.

When Jesus was on the earth, the rubbish dump was outside Jerusalem and continually aflame, causing a foul odour. The rubbish tip included all the garbage and filth of the city, as well as the bodies of dead animals and executed prisoners. At night wild dogs howled and gnashed their teeth as they fought over the smouldering rubbish.
Jesus used this illustration as a symbol of the likeness to Hell.
He used both fire and darkness to picture the terrible reality of Hell.

Hell is an actual place.

Many like to reject the fact that there is a Hell. God does have a place for those who are rebellious as those who serve the Devil. Gehenna was not made for mankind, it was originally prepared for the Devil and his fallen angels, however, those who have rejected all the calling of God, and neglected the fact that Jesus came and died to save them from such a place, will dwell eternally in Hell with the Devil. A just penalty for abandonment of God's Grace and the wages of sin of the heart as well as action.

The real existence of Hell cannot be refuted. The wicked dead shall be eternally in a condition of retribution. Hell has reference to shame and everlasting contempt.

Sheol/ Hades is both referred to as the grave or tomb for the buried body and the place of departed ungodly spirits of the wicked wait for judgement. It is not the permanent place of the lost. There is no such a place as purgatory where departed souls may escape.

Tartarus is a prison or jail, specifically for the fallen angels of the Devil, where they are held until Judgement after the millennial reign of Christ, for their eternal punishment.

Abyss is the deep or the bottomless pit, which is a prison of despair, the dungeon abode of imprisoned demon spirits. Demons fear the Abyss.

Gehenna is the eternal Hell, called the unquenchable Lake of Fire
and the likeness to the original Gehenna indicates eternal torment.

It is the place of punishment for unbelievers, those who refuse to repent of their sins acknowledging God is Sovereign. It should be remembered that Jesus spoke this final Hell about more often than any other person in the Bible did. In LUKE 16:24. Jesus tells a true story of an unbeliever and a believer after their death.

Jesus used this word, Gehenna, to describe the place of everlasting punishment because it is a place that reeks, a place of smoke and pain, of everlasting fire and suffering. There is memory and regret, thirst and separation from the good gifts of God. Jesus likens Hell to unsuppressable fire.

A study on the Word of God, shows that each place of the spirit world at present is a prison or jail for different created beings who have sold themselves to evil.

Just as humankind places accused criminals waiting their judgement, God has various prisoners awaiting judgement.
Everyone has an inner sense of principles and standards that God requires, but many choose not to live by those moral standards. Those who suppress the Truth will endure the consequences.

Hell will be the valley of resurrected bodies and souls of the unregenerate, a valley of groans, a place for hypocrites, a place of fire and brimstone, an abode of horrible torment, continually ablaze and smoking, a furnace of fire that will never be extinguished.
This is the final eternal state of the wicked after The White Throne Judgement.
To deny an eternal Hell is to deny and reject Jesus' words and His authority. If a person denies Jesus' authority they also deny His deity.

Hell is a place where the conscience never dies or forgets, lusts that can never be satisfied, and its
inhabitants are tormented by past guilt. It is the eternal prison for the wicked. It is a place of everlasting shame, hatred and contempt, there is hopelessness for all eternity, and it is called the second death.
Eyesight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are the senses the people and beings possess in Hell.
Throughout The Bible, both of The Old and The New Testament, there is no attempt to obscure the fact what awaits evildoers when they face God at Judgement. It is God's justice and people must acknowledge they do not understand all things. God does not continually explain Hell as a place of punishment to scare and frighten people but to warn all to face the fact of it, and there is a way He has planned for them to escape it, and be released from this punishment.

Those who practise evil have to be separated from God, for in His Holiness it is impossible for evil to be present.

There are degrees of punishment, i.e. those who reject Christ the most or those who deceive others the most. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth because of pride and arrogance of the past.

Hell is for the unredeemed, for all those whose names are not found written in the Book of Life. It is
outside the City of The New Jerusalem, (see Topic Heaven) continually separated from the Presence of God, and the Rejected Christ, Holy Angels and the Redeemed (saved believers). There will be no light, no peace, no joy, no righteousness nor salvation but only the darkness and torment of those who have forsaken and despised The Grace of God

People have a choice and a decision is to be made for everlasting joy of abundant life, or everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his company.
The sad realisation is that the wicked will know that they chose for themselves, eternal damnation.

People choose Eternal Hell instead of Heaven when they reject Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son as their Lord and Saviour.

Hell is not a place of annihilation nor a place of temporary punishment. Death itself is temporary, so too is the grave, both, which are cast in to Gehenna, as both death and grave refer to the wicked. It is not a state of probation or of non-existence.
Hell is the place of punishment for the ungodly. It is separation and withdrawal called 'the second death'. In it will be Satan, who has no loving kindness.

God's merciful love through Christ is not extended after death; it is obtainable only in this present life.

The place where eternity is spent is chosen by each individual and self-inflicted, as it is the just punishment for the outcome of sin. Rejecting God, Christ and resisting The Holy Spirit is a choice made by every individual, yet God is not willing that any should perish.

This present life is temporary, but the future age is endless, just so the retributive aspect of Hell, and cannot because of wickedness, be in the presence of God. For the souls of the wicked, it is exclusion from Christ's Kingdom.

On the day of God's Final Judgement there is not the prerogative of changing the choice made that has determined the eternal destiny of a person.

The reality of Hell should be enough incentive to effect the choices of humans, in their response to Jesus and the way they live. A spiritual life led by The Holy Spirit is more important than short-term worldly gain. A Christian who lives a godly life of activity alone is valueless and perilous. Temptation to sin must be dealt with drastically for people cannot continually practice sin and have a lack of spiritual and moral response.
Willfully ignoring any type of Divine activity or having contempt for other human beings, is godless.

A spiritual life led by The Holy Spirit is more important than short-term worldly gain. A Christian who lives a godly life of activity alone is valueless and perilous.

The inhabitants of Hell will be The Antichrist and The False Prophet, these are the first two to be cast into the final Hell, The Lake of Fire, followed by the Devil himself, preceding The White Throne Judgement. The fallen angels that followed him at the beginning in their rebellion against God, the demonic spirits, then the unredeemed and unregenerate of mankind. There are no friendships in Hell, it is a place of dreaded loneliness. It is a place without mercy, without escape.

The followers who have worshipped the anti-Christ and bear his mark will have neither rest, nor annihilation.

If God were not to execute conscious eternal punishment, His justice would not be satisfied. There should be in the world greater recognition for the necessity and righteous of eternal punishment. Eternal life is without end and eternal punishment means both states equally are without end.
"And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, they have no rest, day or night ".
Revelation 14:11.
"They will be tormented day and night forever". Revelation 20:10.

Jesus spoke of eternal damnation eleven times, a place to be feared. Only through Him can it be possible to escape the torment of hell. His teaching on final banishment from God's presence verifies the extreme differences in eternity for the righteous and the ungodly.

Jesus Christ has authority over Hell, because it is a place for the results of judgement, which is utter isolation. Retribution is just as is recompense for evil.

Jesus came from Heaven to earth to save people from this agonising eternal Hell.

Jesus warned about eternal punishment and people can not believe only 1/2 of Jesus' teaching, they have to accept all of His teaching including His warning of such a place does exist. Jesus also describes hell as utter doom. The punishment of Hell is just, for God had revealed Himself plainly in His Creation to all people, yet people still reject the basic knowledge of God. Some people think Jesus has already taken the souls of the righteous saints of the Old Testament to Heaven after His resurrection, but no one can say for sure.

There are a few theories where Hell might be, but wherever it is, it is to be shunned at all costs by turning toward the Grace of God, manifested in The Lord Jesus Christ. There are many offers from God to choose life and warnings of what might lay ahead if a person chooses not to respond to The Word of God.

The Bible explains God's unceasing sorrow and the anguish of His heart because of the lost souls, and that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

A Christian hates all that opposes God and goodness, gladly anticipates the ultimate vindication of God's visible presence and power, leaves Judgement in God's hands, grieves over the world's pain and the death of every unrepentant sinner.

SCRIPTURES Revelation 19:20, 20:1-15, 21:8, Jude 1:6, John 3:5-8.
QUESTIONS 1] What is eternal hell called? 2] Who will be the inhabitants? 3] How can mankind escape eternal hell?


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