God is the author of healing and works through anyway He chooses to bring health to persons sick physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The Bible not only tells
of people's spiritual status
but is also concerned about their physical condition.
During Jesus' ministry He never refused to heal those who had come to Him, whether the sickness of the people was physical or demonic. Jesus has great compassion and is willing to heal those who ask.
The most common methods of healing Jesus used were speaking words and touching the sick person with His hand. Jesus commissioned His disciples to continue His essential ministry, including healing.
It is to be noticed that Jesus spoke about the connection of sin to some types of illness as when He warned the man He had healed, "Behold, you are made whole: sin no more..." He also taught in most cases that sin was not the cause of ailments.
Jesus healed every type of ailment known to mankind. Terminal illness, crippling diseases both emotional and physical, mental illness including demon-possession, repetitious diseases and even raised the dead.
God heals by the power of The Holy Spirit through prophets, apostles, and disciples throughout The Body of Christ, or directly intervenes.
"Bless the Lord ... who heals all your diseases" (Ps. 103:2-3).
Believers are often confused about the ministry of healing, but biblical teachings clearly state that Jesus provided healing for the body, and Jesus spoke of doctors as physicians who help.
The Book of James in The New Testament does not use the medical term for healing but refers to being made whole and forgiven. Spiritual wholeness should be a believer's highest desire.
Guarantee of physical
healing is not a promise but a general principle
that is throughout both the Old and the New Testament.
God may or may not provide physical healing but believers are to be expectant for Him to do so. Jesus teaches that trust and belief in who He is prompts God to respond to needs.
It is God's sovereign
choice to heal physical ailments for He is well able to do so
and not a matter of how much faith one has. Jesus never taught that faith
automatically brings physical healing, but He did teach in the belief of
who He is.
The Word of God does not teach that physical healing is God's top priority. God chose not to heal Paul for certain reasons to obtain a better result.
Sometimes the belief of others instigate God to act in the cases of both physical and spiritual healing. Occasionally healing is unrelated to anyone's faith but only to the Grace and Sovereignty of God.
Believers are to ask
God for the healing of their bodies
and be expectant for answered prayer.
There are special gifts of The Holy Spirit to minister faith, healing and miracles. These gifts still apply today, and will continue until believers are whole in the presence of Jesus; nothing will be perfect in this world until Jesus returns.
Physical and spiritual illness and death are the result of original sin in The Garden of Eden. Obedience does not guarantee absence of physical problems. Jesus did not promise complete physical protection for the body but He did for the spirit. He announced that He came to heal the brokenhearted, to release the captives, the blind to see, to free the downtrodden from oppressors and God will give blessings to all those who come to Him.
Christ performs miraculous healings which continue through The Holy Spirit of God.
Healing is administered through personal prayers, praise and thanksgiving, the laying on of hands, the Word of God, the anointing of oil, Gifts of healing and of miracles, Gifts of faith and prayers of faith.
There are recorded healings that have resulted from worship and praise to God.
People are made whole in the presence of God. Nothing but purity can come from his presence; all disease, sickness, any form of illness or defect is automatically removed in His presence, for he is a Holy Perfect God and imperfections are made whole by His nearness.
Prayer for healing is
made in The Name of Jesus Christ the Son of The Loving God,
who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Unconfessed sin, an unforgiving attitude, enmity against others may prevent believers from receiving physical healing in some cases.
Sometimes healing is progressive, other times instant. God receives glory when He intervenes with His healing power, but He also receives the glory when people endure.
The Spiritual significance of healing is a representation of Salvation.
A person's body, soul and spirit interrelate, therefore any imbalance in the areas of physical sickness, injury, emotional or spiritual issues, can have a strong physical effect.
Many people do not use commonsense in looking after their bodies, such as eating properly, getting enough sleep or normal exercise to help the body perform well.
The word Psychosomatic that is often used literally means "soul and body," referring to the close relationship of body and spirit. This does not mean to suggest that Jesus did not heal supernaturally, physical ailments.
Scripture does point to the recognition of a close connection between physical and spiritual health.
"above all things
that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers"
3 John 2.
The Bible does teach without a doubt to believe in miracles and God is able and does heal physical ailments.
Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God."
SCRIPTURES Isaiah 59:2, Matthew
6:15, John 5:14, Romans 5:12. QUESTIONS 1] When did sickness and disease enter into the world? 2] What are the methods of Divine healing? 3] What might prevent healing? 4] Do people receive spiritual healing as well as physical healing? 5] When a person has been healed, what is it wise not to do? |
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Last updated August 2017