"But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."
Galatians 4:4,5.

"But when the fullness of time was come,"

The fullness of time was when the world's condition favoured the appearing of God's Gift to the world. It was the appointed time set by God for believers to become adult sons and heirs.

The time of God's Anointed manifestation to His people was referred to by the prophets as Jacob's Star, the Scepter, the end of Daniel's seventy weeks and was to be before the second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

From the time of the first promise in Genesis to the last prophecy given in Micah, when man's own efforts for human restoration had proven completely a failure, through their efforts of philosophy and religious legislation, the particular season was chosen by the infinite wisdom of God that people might obtain redemption from perishing under the curse of The Law and receive deliverance from God's Wrath.

God's Gift didn't arrive late or early, but came right on schedule when erroneous empty worldwide spirituality had produced a spiritual hunger by many for the genuine and not a counterfeit.

God's gift came at a time when there was a state of profound peace. The Roman Empire was at the peak of power and the Grecian lifestyle seemed fulfilling. The Roman Empire extended controlled peace over the civilized world.

Travel and commerce was made available to areas that had been previously impossible. Roman roads were at 'that time' accessible when God's Gift, Jesus Christ, was sent forth to satisfy spiritual hunger and to free those who believe on Him from the curse and from slavery of sin.

Morality was so low that even the pagan world was appalled. That perfect appointed time God filled with Himself for their redemption. At God's timing when the exact religious, cultural and political conditions were set His perfect Gift was given. A truth that Jesus repeatedly affirmed. The fact that The Father sent Jesus into the world teaches of His pre-existence as the Eternal Second Member of the Godhead.

There was however a general expectation among the Jewish community of the arrival of God's Messiah.

Freely given, God gave His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ to a sinful, undeserving humankind.

"God sent forth His Son,"

The Son, the glorious Second Person of the Godhead was divinely commissioned. Jesus was appointed, sent, and anointed for His work by and with divine authority. God's Gift came from Himself into the world as His intermediate accompaniment to do God's work, to declare His glory and was sent by His own free will and consent.

His prepared purpose was to redeem His people from the bondage that sin had placed upon mankind, from righteous wrath, guilt, misery and eternal death, for believers to receive adoption, brought near to God, to be part of His family, bear His likeness, possess His Grace and be with Him forever.

Jesus Christ was sent forth to pay the price of their liberation, to do a work of God with the result that through Him, humankind might have adoption to become heirs and sons of God and not slaves, to be co-heirs with Christ, through whom salvation comes.

God designated His Son and His Spirit for the gracious Gift of God in The Work of Christ that allows His people to have a relationship with Him.

"made of a woman, made under the law,"

God's Son as God's Gift was not His created servant or messenger but His Son of Himself, the Son who is the brightness of His glory and well-beloved, who was given a human body and a human nature.

God's Gift was the Eternal Son of God; born of a woman, born into the nation of Israel and the truth of prophecy is witness to His unique personage.

A descendant of Abraham and born of a woman was born under The Law, consequently being made subject to Jewish Law. (The spirit of sonship is contrasted to the spirit of slavery). Not begotten after the course of fleshly nature, but formed by The Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

Born of woman refers to the promise in Genesis 3 and to the humanity of Jesus who was born under the conditions of the Jewish Law. Unlike any one else Jesus fully obeyed the Law. He did not take the form of an angel but of the seed of Isaac, as promised and prophesied.

Originally He was the divine Lawgiver and as such was above it, but as mediator, He was liable to its obligations. He was subject to the religious ceremonial Law. He was circumcised; worshipped in the Synagogues, attended the necessary feasts and was in submission to His earthly parents.

He was obligated to His moral Law, to live it, in all He did, in thought and in speech, He honoured it and kept it perfectly without fault, no evil deceit was found in Him. He taught it and vindicated it. He fulfilled it.

God's Gift did not belong under The Law, but in condescending grace, He put Himself there in order to magnify Life.

"to redeem them that was under The Law"

Being the human nature He assumed, Jesus had to be fully God for the substitute sacrifice and fully human to take the penalty of sin. God's Gift who was truly God, became man that humankind might be saved.

God's Gift is the way by which redemption for humankind has been provided. Without Christ, humankind is lost without a future; God's Gift sets believers free.

Because The Lord Jesus is God, who paid the redemption price of the Law-breakers, His death was of infinite value. He died as a substitute for man because He became man to do so.

To redeem means ' to buy from the slave market'. The verb describes Christ's supreme and final payment for the sins of humanity. As long as men and women were slaves to the Law they could not become adopted sons and daughters.

Guilty sinners who are under the wrath of God are greatly in need of a Saviour, God's Gift. God's Eternal Son, identified with sinners, His death freed believing mankind from the consequences of sin and the curse of The Law, no longer in bondage to the worldly system order, redeemed from the curse of the moral and ceremonial Law and from the wrath of God.

As God's Gift, He was both the victim for sin and High Priest of a Royal Priesthood of believers.

"that we might receive the adoption of sons".

The purpose of God's Gift is to rescue and deliver humankind from slavery and bring them to sonship.

Although there is one natural Son in God's family, Jesus Christ, God graciously adopts believers entitled to a heavenly inheritance. Believers who believe in the name of The Son of God become privileged to be His heirs by faith of present and eternal riches.

God graciously adopts sinners and saves them from wrath and indignation, from under God's righteous judgement.

Adoption into The Family of God put believers into the position of mature sons and daughters with all the privileges and responsibilities of the position. Adopted heirs are no longer minors.

God seals a believer's adoption by the gift of The Holy Spirit. Unregenerate people are by nature children of the devil. The only way to become children of God is by adoption through God's Good Gift, The Lord Jesus Christ.

God's Gift allows humankind to become full members of God's household.

His Gift is His own Son. God is the First giver; He first selflessly gives Himself to humankind in the person of his Son.

"Now thanks be to God for His Gift, [precious] beyond telling-
His indescribable inexpressible, free gift".

2 Corinthians 9:15 (Amp)

SCRIPTURES Galatians 4;4-5.
QUESTIONS 1] When had the fullness of time come for God to send His personal gift to the world? 2] Why did God give His gift? 3] What was God's purpose in redeeming mankind?

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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