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To God be The Glory
Glory means to give exalted praise, honour, or great distinction. The resplendent majestic beauty and magnificence of God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit are so closely connected, they each glorify the other.
The ultimate purpose of all things is to give glory to God. God is to be the only distinguished personage of a believer's individual pride.
Glorifying God is a natural response of a believer for His holiness, His great works, His loving mercy and His righteous, just judgements. Believers give God glory by believing in His Son, by being obedient to the Word of God. God is deserving of great awe.
Worthiness is to be attributed to Him for who God is and what God has done. God is entitled to be glorified by His people in their lives by doing godly and good deeds, by bearing fruit, living for God, putting God and His priorities first, by praising, worshipping and obeying Him.
People give glory to God with adoring praise and thanksgiving which results from His triumphant achievements.

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