JESUS FORGIVES HIS PEOPLE DAILY Through Christ forgiveness is provided and when sin has occurred, to be forgiven it must be confessed to God. Assurance of an unbroken relationship with God is by trusting His Word that Christ has made provision for sin and God has shown through Christ, His greatness of love, mercy and faithfulness. Sin requires God's forgiveness. The Bible stresses that humankind lacks freedom on account of unconfessed sin. Belief in Christ brings freedom from the power of sin, all bondages, legalism, abuse and of the self-deviant will. Those who receive forgiveness are free to receive God's promised gifts. The confession of sin is not to gain God's
approval but to remove the barrier that blocks the fellowship. Confession
of sin to God must be in a humble manner, but in humility and honesty weaknesses
are strengthened. His forgiveness is everlasting and always available. God wants to forgive, no matter how bad the sin. He allowed His Only Son, Jesus to die so he could show His graciousness to the people of His creation. Through forgiveness people gain Eternal Life. Seeking forgiveness enables a person to receive God's mercy. Jesus declared that sins are forgiven to those who have belief and trust in Him. Believers' sins are no longer held against them on the basis of the sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ on The Cross. God's loving kindness and mercy towards the sinner directs them to humbleness in order to ask for forgiveness not only for themselves but also for others. |
1 John 1:8-10 John 2:12 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives. 2:12 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. |
The most awe-inspiring teachings can be grasped when we understand the impact of what God achieved for the people of His creation. God will and does forgive sins, as they are admitted to Him in Jesus' Name. When He forgives, He cancels out sin completely, to remember them no more. His love is the reason for forgiveness. God's forgiveness frees a person not only from guilt but also from its consequences. This is an act of favour and of compassion and of love. His Divine forgiveness can involve both the remission of punishment and cancellation of debt. It is God's nature to forgive, He promised to forgive. He knows humankind needs His forgiveness and He has provided for that need through Christ. A sin, transgression, iniquity, trespass, whether intentional or unintentional, consciously or subconsciously, when it has been forgiven by God through admitting it to Him in Jesus' Name, is no longer in existence. It can no longer block a relationship with God, The Father, nor can it condemn anyone of any guilt. God has dealt with sin, through Jesus. There is release from the bondage's of any person's past. If believer's feel any guilt or shame they need only go to God, The Father and ask His forgiveness and for His mercy. If all sin is forgiven when confessed to God, how much more should other people be forgiven by those who have received mercy? Sin deserves death, but God has been gracious; unconfessed sin will bring judgment. Those who do not reverence God, do not recognize the infinite distance between their sin and His holiness. God's Word says that all humans have sinned and are in need of repentance, in need of a Saviour. To acknowledge sin and confess to God is to agree with God and His Word, and all who do this will receive His mercy and forgiveness. God has promised to cleanse from all unrighteousness all those who obey His Word, in Jesus' Name. This promise is guaranteed for God is faithful and just. He forgives during this New Covenant of Grace and Spirit He has made because of the righteous act of His Son, Jesus. Only God can forgive sins, pardon people and remove the burden of guilt, no human can. Jesus forgave sins on earth; this was one of the ways that enabled Him to show His Deity. Though Christians should not purposely try to sin, they do, and when they fail, there is the reassurance of the commitment of God to forgive their sin and their confession should be sincere. Forgiveness is not just for Christians. Jesus died so that the world might come to Him for Forgiveness, to be reconciled back to God, for all were born apart from God, born separated spiritually from Him. People should ask forgiveness of God as soon as they are old enough to know right from wrong. Parents should teach their children the truth of the things that are of eternal value, knowing that each person has their own level of understanding and maturity. No one needs to fear rejection from God; anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will not be forgotten. God will never reject or discard a confession of sin. He has extended this undeserved favour toward mankind in His immense capacity of compassion. God forgives many sins because of His love towards His people. He removes the impurities and does not hold against them the many times they have sinned. Even though there are varying types and degrees of sin, God forgives them all at the same level, He cleanses and restores the relationship between that person and Himself. The moment a person asks daily, he receives pardon from God because of Jesus. There is the unpardonable sin that will not be forgiven and that is Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit. This is giving the credit to Satan the things that are done by God, through the Holy Spirit, i.e. the works of Jesus. Jesus is not only a person's Mediator before The Throne of God, but also the One who suffered God's Wrath for sin. As long as people remain in this fallen world, there will always be the presence of sin and the temptation to sin, and a need for forgiveness in day to day living. Jesus is the Intercessor in heaven before God, as a witness of His Righteousness that has been imparted to his disciples. God helps the sinner, He makes them righteous before Himself, He forgives and restores, because of the work done on The Cross. Anyone who obeys God's Word, as a disciple of Christ, cannot
fail to note his own sinfulness and quickly ask forgiveness. God is over generous in dealing with sin, He has not dealt with our punishment according to the iniquities. He removes sins completely, and continues to bless those who come to Him. |
Psalm 103:8-17 8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. 9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; 10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. 11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. 13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; 14 for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. 15 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; 16 the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. 17 But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-- Some other Scriptures of assurance of forgiveness are 1John 1:8,9, Psalm 51:7 |
It is because of God's favourable mercies towards those who have received His forgiveness that they are aware to forgive other people more readily, and to pray for forgiveness on behalf of others, for persecutors and for all enemies; forgiveness is without limits. Those forgiving, cease to do evil. Freedom is from the present effects of sin, from the power of sin and will deliver believers completely from its presence in Eternity. Jesus Christ is deliverer. There are many people who think they have not sinned, that any
of their actions are not sinful (that is coming short of any respect, standard
or principal set by God, physically, morally or spiritually), this is because
of lack of knowledge that they were in the first place born separated from
God. It also can be false pride if a person cannot admit to sin. Do not reject Jesus for He is the Only Source of Forgiveness. To ask forgiveness of sin is the Step to Eternal Life. |
SCRIPTURES 1 John 1:8, 1 john
2:1, Psalm 103:8-17. QUESTIONS 1] Why is asking God for forgiveness of sins important and necessary? 2] Who only can forgive and erase sin? 3] Why does God forgive people? 4] Can people live without sinning? |
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