The most important FELLOWSHIP to share
is the closeness with Almighty God The Father, a relationship with Jesus,
The Son and of union in and with The Holy Spirit. Those who fellowship
with God share in His Grace and blessings of salvation, inheritance, of
His family, of common faith, of common calling, of common hope, of sanctification
and untlmately of share in His nature.
God blesses a people united in fellowship. There is fellowship in holding
a common truth.
is communion with God, it is the coming together of individuals who have
a mutual union, sharing with others who are united in the belief of One
Gospel, One Father, One Lord, and indwelt by One Holy Spirit. This fellowship
surpasses all barriers and reflects the unity and partnership of the Triune
It is the participation in the blessings of God and common work in spreading
The Truth of Christ to others, consisting of sharing and serving. Christian
fellowship is distinctly spiritual in regard specifically with the supernatural
life of God. The people of God are a spiritual nation in accord with The
ARE NOT TO FELLOWSHIP WITH any one who is not a follower
of Jesus Christ, not socially, in marriage, business or any other way.
This does not relate to the spiritual need of the unsaved to whom the gospel
must be told. Believers should not have fellowship with unbelievers, nor
share their lifestyle that because of sin and godless rebellion separates,
brings selfishness and failure to exhibit true fellowship but Christians
are obliged to help and share the knowledge of Christ with them.
Christians are not to be joined in any union with the blasphemous and irreverent
community, as it is incompatible with God and His Word. Believers are not
to associate with those who claim to be Christians but continue to sin
and compromise God's Word with the secular world, and not with persons
who cause division.
God and other Christians, having love for God and for one another. This
love from God is deeper and more satisfying than any human love. Believers
commune with The Living God Himself. Fellowship is made clear in the celebration
of The Lord's Supper. Fellowship is with Jesus Christ, His presence is
with His disciples. Disciples are united with Christ in His death and suffering
of reproach.
Fellowship is between co-workers of The Gospel of Christ. Believers fellowship
together because of their mutual experience in the blessings of God's grace.
They are united with one another by the same Holy Spirit of God because
of their reception to the offer of the benefits of salvation through Jesus
Christ, their Lord.
FELLOWSHIP is in response to God's communication with humankind.
Mankind needs the merciful and eduring love of God that fill the hearts
of believers with sincere love for each other and for Him. The only reason
mankind can have fellowship with God is because of the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ, His Son. God, Himself provided the only proper means for
true human fellowship with Himself.
Believers fellowship with each other because they are set apart as a royal
priesthood unto God. They have been enlightened by The Holy Spirit, which
the world does not have and they do not have anything in common with those
outside the family of God. Association of partner is a common undertaking.
God has called His people to work together, to acknowledge and respect
each other as human beings, to encourage, edify and support one another.
Christian fellowship is also a practical reality because of their relatedness
in Christ and to each other as members of God's family. Believers are to
maintain the bond of unity with God and His people, established by His
wisdom. Members are part of Christ and part of one another and have real
compassion for each individual, sharing joys and burdens.
The early church set an example for the teaching of God's Word when meeting
together. Disciples benefit greatly and are admonished when fellowship
is corporate in Jesus' Name, for all belong to the One body and are fellow
brothers and sisters. Believers are encouraged as they are reminded of
their position in Christ and of God The Father's love.
-Believers have
fellowship with God and each other ANYWHERE,
anytime. The fellowship of the local church began early in Christianity
with the breaking of bread and for corporate prayer regularly. Today the
spiritual family in their common bond in fellowship with Christ supports
growth, comfort and faithfulness. Disciples personally associate together
in Christian partnerships and ministries as well as at local gatherings
where the message of The Kingdom of God is demonstrated until the Return
of Jesus Christ.
God has purposed that The Body of Christ assemble together to share spiritual
abilities and experiences in Christ. The Holy Spirit works in believers
to communicate to others the portion of Christ they have received.
HAVE FELLOWSHIP primarily when they spend time privately
in the presence of the Lord God, listening, sharing, studying, praying
and committing everything in one's life to His Sovereignty.
Disciples of Christ are to be always ready to fellowship with other believers
anywhere and any time the opportunity arises or is made. Christians are
to be faithful to the Word of God by having fellowship with The Father,
with Christ His Son and The Holy Spirit and sharing with each other all
the time, not just at organised gatherings on a yearly calendar, but in
everyday living. There is equal intimate communion with each believer when
those who partake of The Lord's Supper have vital union with Jesus, who
is The Lord and Head of His Church.
Fellowship is an ongoing lifestyle when or where there is the message of
Christ to be shared, when working together, no matter how menial the task
may be. Fellowship of such love and quality is an occurrence when salvation
has been experienced.
IS EXPRESSED by communion with God. Fellowship with Christ
includes His sufferings of persecution. Fellowship in The Holy Spirit is
an active vital experience.
Fellowship is shown among believers, in Christian service and unity. True
sharing is established with fellow-workers who are receivers of God's grace
and is demonstrated in concern and practical commitment to one another,
by extending hospitality, prayer, support of the spreading and preaching
of The Gospel and in the charitable work of The Body of Christ.
It is expressed by standing together in adversity, in worship, in their
life shown by their love for each individual, especially in times of weaknesses
and in the sharing with the poor and needy with material aids and interest.
Believers strengthen and encourage each other, putting the needs of others
first, living in harmony, showing equal care.
Ephesians 2:18,19, 1 John 1:5,6, 1 Corinthians 11:29-34, Matthew
18:19. QUESTIONS 1] How is fellowship with God made possible? 2] What separates people from fellowship with God? 3] What are the blessings that are shared amongst those who share in God's grace? |
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