Faith is trusting, and believing that God is who He is and depending upon Him through Christ.

Faith can be identified as the personal relationship that exists between God, and the believer of Christ, His Son.

Faith means to trust and have reliance on as well as fidelity in God's promises, for it is God who is faithful to His promises.

Faith is a spiritual gift of God which natural sense cannot lay hold of. This is not trust in things seen but belief in and on the assurance of God, and that He is Eternal.

Christians have faith towards God because of Jesus. Belief comes from hearing the Word of God by The Holy Spirit prompting the heart of a person. The Holy Spirit quickens the Word of God and it is the faith put in the heart that responds and receives.

It is impossible to have faith without the knowledge of God and His existence, of Christ, of Salvation and of Redemption. It is important referring to Christ's Second Coming.
Hebrews 11:6 states anyone who wants to come to God must believe that He is.

Faith is not a mental consent of thought, nor presumption or expectation to be taken for granted.

Faith is not to be confused with intellectual doctrinal teaching of Christianity but a total commitment to Christ as Lord of a person's life.

Only faith, (belief and trust in God) recognises reality for what it is and gives full meaning to life.

Such trust becomes right and sensible when a believer remembers that it is the Almighty Creator that they are trusting. Realising that moment by moment all are dependent on God The Creator for their existence makes it appropriate to live lives of devotion, commitment, gratitude and loyalty to Him.
Godliness begins with God as Sovereign as the first focus of all thoughts.

Emotions respond to the gospel, but feelings must not be mistaken for The Truth. Trusting God's Word must come before sensations, opinions and manner.

Scripture presents five different characters of Christian Faith- Saving Faith-trusting and believing in God and His Son, Christ and who He is. Fruit of Trusting in God-comes as a gift of The Holy Spirit, an active faith of belief and obedience in faithfulness. Gift of Faith-is a Ministry gift of Miracles and Healings by The Holy Spirit. Revelation Faith-acknowledgement of The Word of God. Faith for completion-of consummation (perfection) when Christ returns at His Second Coming.

Faith, the trusting and believing the reality of who God is, and repentance must be kept, maintained and affirmed after receiving saving faith. There are varying degrees of faith, a measure and portion of faith. People have no faith, little faith, weak faith, dead faith, vain faith, great faith, fullness of faith, strong faith, steadfast faith, rich faith, unfeigned faith.

Fear turns to faith when a person knows that God is dependable. Doubt can drive people to seek answers from God, and find Him sufficient. Confidence grows in God as people know Him more intimately. Doubt turns to faith when it is understood that God is in control.

Faith becomes strong because of the revelation of God through Christ's Work on The Cross. Believers are justified because of trusting God and His promises, accepting them as the Truth because He said so, and primarily it is the relationship that believers have with God, through Christ.

Faith is believing in Jesus as the Eternal Son of God, as both God and man, who died and took upon Himself the Wrath of God for the sin of mankind, making possible justification. Adoption into God's family, sanctification and ultimately glorification. Belief in Christ, that He will some day judge the living and the dead, (the righteous and the wicked).
As a result, total submission and commitment to Him and His message
which is all accepted as from God, is primary.

A person must believe who Christ is, of his Birth, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, to be able to accept the justification offered through Him.

We receive the gift of faith from God through His Word after The Holy Spirit has softened the heart of a person, by hearing God's Word, searching the scriptures, receiving revelation that line up with the Word of God or in prayer.
Faith is a gift of The Holy Spirit that God creates in a person.

Believing and trusting that God is who He said He is and that He sent His Son, and that both The Son and The Father sent The Holy Spirit is the faith that is paramount to Christianity.
-It distinguishes Christianity from all other religions that teach works or rituals for salvation.
-Confession to God through Jesus for penitent sinners daily to continue standing right before God.
-All Glory goes to God and no human person.
-It leads to the full knowledge of the Works of Christ.

Without faith in God, human understanding is incomplete.

Jesus taught about simple faith, as a child would have, for adults become hard-hearted and believe in themselves and what they can achieve by depending upon themselves. Jesus also taught humbleness with believing and trusting.

Jesus called His disciples to place their confidence in God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
to believe God's promises for the present and for the future.

A Christian should be willing and trusting just as a child puts their faith in their parents. Their belief, trust, love, gratitude, and loyalty are expressed as they grow spiritually mature and are strengthened.

A Christian willingly seeks to be obedient to God's Word and willingly believe in the Works of Christ. God is absolutely trustworthy and dependable. This allows strength of the Truth to broaden for the believer to make a total commitment to Christ as Lord. Believers also live the Life of a Christian, by deed, word and thought.

The essential doctrines of Christianity and solid foundation of Truths should be put into practical use; this is fundamental of the Christian belief. Being committed means serving The Living God regardless of the circumstances.

Faith is trust and belief in Jesus as a person, of His teachings, of the Redemption He obtained for whosoever would believe.
Not to make a decisive response to God's offer in Christ means sin remains in a person's life and they are eternally lost, only faith in Jesus Christ can save an individual. Personal faith rests on the promises of God.

Only believing in Christ can keep a person from being eternally lost.
Faith in Him alone can save an individual.

Christ is the Author and Finisher of a Christian's Faith. Hebrews 12:1,2.

SCRIPTURE Hebrews 11:1, 12:1,2.
QUESTIONS 1] What is faith and what does it mean? 2] What is faith not? 3] How do people receive faith in God? 4] Who is the source of people's faith?


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