NIV Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those He predestined, he also called; those he called, He also justified; those He justified, he also glorified. 31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all--how will He not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
NIV Ephesians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4 For He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will-- 6 to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8 that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. 9 And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfilment--to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. 11 In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession--to the praise of his glory.
Sometimes these phrases in The Bible have been misunderstood as 'double election/predestination' of choosing some of mankind to go to hell as well as choosing some for heaven. This way of thinking has caused dispute throughout the church's history. Not only has ignorance of these scriptures disrupted the progress of missionary work but confuses believers to wonder if they are among the chosen elect that have been called. The Truth of Scriptures must be kept in balance with each other.
It is not God's fault if people choose to believe that life to them is meaningless. God is not responsible for those people who turn away from the principles and guidelines He has set before mankind, for their good.
*God loves all and wants everyone to come
to repentance.
*No one receives the Gift of Salvation against his or her own will.
*In The Bible God is revealed as Sovereign and man is viewed to have a
truly free will.
CALLING means to invite and is the summoning of individuals to Himself, that they might belong to Him and serve Him in this world. God has called and will continue to call all people to Salvation, some will choose to respond and some will choose not to. Calling is an act of God and guarantees a response.
He calls 'whosoever' to believe in His Son, and benefit through the Atonement Work of The Cross. God calls and invites people to ministry, to be disciples to inform others of their destiny. He uses His Word and The Holy Spirit. Christians choose to share the Word of God with others, which is life-giving. God calls Christians to live differently, and to do specific tasks.
Christ as the Elect of God is the foundation of a believer's election. Only in union with Christ, believing the Truths of God does mankind become members of the elect, citizens in The Kingdom of God through the redemptive blood of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins.
ELECTION to Salvation is offered to all and as people accept God's gift of Salvation through His Grace, by repentance, it becomes an actual reality. The believer is incorporated into Christ's Elect by The Holy Spirit. There is a decision to be made by each individual of the race of mankind. Mathew 11:30, Acts 3:19.
In Christ, people become righteous in the sight of God, through His love.
The Elect of The New Covenant are called The Body of Christ, The Bride of Christ, the people belonging to God. Election is individual and corporate. The certainty of an individual's destiny is determined by their belief in Christ. Election is at the top of the order of salvation.
God's elect people are those who are called, led by The Holy Spirit, being renewed, sanctified and made holy. Only believers in Jesus who continue in a Christian walk, guided by The Holy Spirit, established firm in The Truth of The Gospel, can Christ present as His Church before God, The Father. To be holy without blemish, who will be changed in a twinkling of an eye to perfection, at Christ's return.
God's elect are those whom God knew would choose to accept Him. It is an act of will on the part of the individual, as it is a two-way action, and includes specifically the will of God. God's elect have certain responsibilities.
Israel was God's elect, the Old Testament prophets were God's elect, Christ was God's Elect, the apostles were God's elect, the Body of Christ is God's elect. Today under the New Covenant only in Christ does a person become elect of God.
The basis for election is divine grace and not on human merit or works with the call of God to the Truths of Christ. The elect are assured of all privileges, and this calls for obedience and holy living. The elect of God enjoy His presence and His divine favour. They are assured of His presence, assured of salvation, assured of His protection, assured of becoming in the likeness of Christ, assured of justice, assured of glorification, assured of a place in heaven, assured of their spiritual destiny in God's City in the new world to come.
God has an eternal purpose for His chosen
whereby, according to His will, purposes and precepts, will come to pass,
through mankind and God's Sovereign Grace, via Jesus, The Elect One.
PREORDAINED is not on the basis of knowing in advance the reactions of people to God's will, but a choice freely flowing only from His own initiative. The Body of Christ was foreordained for service. God's foreordination of all events are for the good of His people and for the glory of His Name.
PREDESTINATION means God decided beforehand regarding Christ's elect, and allow them to comprehend what will happen. Predestination is for the glory of God, for the glory of His name, all events including judgement and advantages are for the good of His people. This is God's Sovereignty as ruler of nature and history His purposes cannot be thwarted. It is the strength of bible prophecy.
Christ's life and ministry was predestined. It was predicted by the prophets and the outcome was achieved. God predestined to bless His people. His Word shows the path their lives should follow. For people to have a right relationship with God they need to maintain that relationship.
Predestination does not set aside responsibility on the part of the believer. Privileges can be abused. Privileges are both spiritual and material benefits conferred on God's people because of His Graciousness. The most important privileges are that all believers have access to God, of knowing God, being His children, receiving divine insight and being called to serve others for Him.
God predestined His elect to be justified, glorified, comformed to the likeness of His Son, to be adopted heirs, to be recipients of The Holy Spirit, created to do good works (God's work) for His Glory.
People remain among God's elect as long as Christ is The Lord of their lives, but if a person decided that this is no longer acceptable for them and abandon their belief in Christ, they cease to be part of the elect and the destination of what God has prepared for them. God's Kingdom will last forever and is an unshakeable destiny. God 's predestined plans and purposes cannot be thwarted by anyone or anything. No one can stand against His will. God predestined that He would bring good out of evil. God prearranged things beforehand how all things should happen. This is founded in God's foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWLEDGE means to know beforehand. This is God's divine ability to perfectly know the future. Since He had purposed the destiny of those who chose Him, their future would be eternal life. God's works were known to Him in the beginning by His almighty wisdom. Foreknowledge is the aspect of God's knowledge of all things.
Like an architect plans a house and the material to be used then the house is built, so it is like God's plan. Because of His planning, His all-knowing of His Creation from beginning to the end, God can foretell and foresee all who would choose to come to Him.
God could prophesy through the mouths of the prophets, knowing all He would say would come to pass (i.e. the architect and builder of a home knows beforehand where doors and windows will be and they know that there will be handles on each door and can say so before the handle's are put on the doors).
Jesus had the foreknowledge of His own death. Christ, God's Elected, was foreknown to die for the salvation of mankind. His work was foreknown; The Body of Christ as a result was also foreknown.
God knew of His plans, purposes and precepts, and how they would be worked out to declare His wisdom.
God knew those to whom He would give His Grace, individually. He foreknew the believers He chose would respond to Him and those who would choose to worship other false gods by their own decision.
It is a privilege for the saints in God's Kingdom to be His children through Christ, by adoption. Christians do not stay passive but play an active part in all of these areas.
There is no obligation for God or upon God to bring into His presence those who rebel against Him and are uninterested in a covenant relationship with Him.
People who have known God can also be tempted to be unfaithful toward God by abandoning their commitment to Him. People desire the ways of the culture around them and become disobedient to God's ways and this is called spiritual adultery, which grieves God. Even though God is Sovereign, He is also a God with feelings. He can be grieved or delighted by the response and behaviour of His Created people.
By turning away from God people encounter their problems and the consequences without God. Those who do not choose God's ways usually end up being deceived in all areas of life. This is not God's fault when people freely choose not to turn to God. Many want a lifestyle and the customs of others, they are free to choose this even though they become immersed in paganism and become enemies of God.
People are obsessed with astrology and all types of fortune telling deception, including tarot card reading for the future. These practices are occultism and violate God's Sovereignty.
Mankind needs to understand that the result of rebellion is not God's plan, His purpose is to forgive and restore, but many are rebellious and reject God's guidelines and warning. Their philosophy is naive by trying to suppress the reality of justice and judgement. God cannot be accused of doing evil; He does permit sinners to suffer the consequences of their actions because it is just to do so.
God's arrangements that He aims to do.
what God is determined to do for He has a reason for it.
God's direction of conduct and morality principles of covenants He has
to God's Word, if God has said it, it will be.
to special focus on God's authority.
Paul explains God's Sovereignty Choice in The Book of Romans 9:8-25. He is explaining to the Jewish community in Rome, that the Jewish nation did not have the sole right to God. God would have compassion on the gentiles for His purposed destiny in Christ. His plan of Salvation included the gentiles. It was not the right of the Jewish Nation to interfere or question God's Sovereign free choice to whom He would give His Gift of mercy. In demonstrating this Paul uses the example of Jacob and Esau, who were twins, and Jacob being the elect one chosen to carry out God's purpose and fulfil His oath of redeeming the human race, and His oath to Abraham, whose seed would be a blessing prepared for mankind. God predicted this to the mother of the twins, Rebecca.
Paul also used the example of Pharaoh's hardened heart, which Pharaoh himself first hardened against God to begin with, by refusing to acknowledge God as Sovereign. He continuously opposed God's purposed plan, hence becoming God's enemy. God after much patience, allowing time for repentance, He sanctioned Pharaoh's already unyielding heart to become intensely hardened, going to a position in which he could not bring himself to repentance before God. Pharaoh had completely broken all boundaries restricting God's compassion.
God's Sovereign Choice as illustrated by a potter molding vessels for noble purpose and some for common use. Who is mankind to question God, the Creator, when all is not seen or known? The mind cannot grasp something that is so far beyond its understanding. God's patience for the repentance of rebelliousness is long standing. People should not have an obstinate God-defying attitude.
Man does not control God's choices. His ways are higher, His thoughts are higher then the thoughts and ways of mankind.
SCRIPTURES Romans 8:28-32, Ephesians
1:3-14. QUESTIONS 1] How does a person belong to those who are the elect of God? 2] What has God predestined" 3] How did God know all His purposes and plans will come to pass? 4] Is God responsible for a person's own decisions and choices? 5] What makes people abandon God? |
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