The ETERNAL DESTINY AND ETERNAL REWARDS of an individual person is made according to their acceptance or rejection of God's Son, Jesus, The Christ, who was sent into this world for The Salvation of mankind through the destruction of the works of the evil one, Satan, and most importantly a person's belief in The Truth of Christ's Resurrection, of Him rising from the dead to defeat physical death that Satan deceived mankind into accepting. If a person does not believe that Jesus rose from the dead then that person is still under the sin of being separated from God, spiritually and physically. Jesus taught of His own Resurrection before His death and of the believer's resurrection. Those who do believe in The Truth of Jesus, The Christ, Who He Is and respond to God's Gift of mercy and forgiveness are eternally rewarded. Believers will be rewarded according to their deeds. The fullness of their rewards will be theirs at the return of Jesus Christ. The rewards are for faithful service, especially those who endure persecution and hardships for Christ's sake. Rewards for service include crowns for position and authority. Believers will be rewarded according to their deeds. The fullness of their rewards will be theirs at the return of Jesus Christ. The rewards are for faithful service, especially those who endure persecution and hardships for Christ's sake. Rewards for service include crowns for position and authority. |
Jesus First Before All Things-no idolatry or immorality
PROMISED REWARD-Will be given fruit to eat from The Tree of Life in The Paradise of God. Will be restored to perfect fellowship that existed before rebellion and the sin of doubt entered the world..............................
Faithful to The Word of God and all His promises during persecution, poverty
and death.
PROMISED REWARD- Will be given to you The Crown of Life, and un-ending glorious future-no second death. Will be joyfully enviable because of no second death, no eternal punishment.
things in the world's system that belong to Satan, for they all lead to
death-spiritually and physically. (i.e. deceptive doctrines of error, fads,
and false ideas, compromising The Truth for self adulation, all areas of
corruption, no morals or principles regarding God's Word.)
PROMISED REWARD- Will be given hidden manna and given a white stone with a new name on it, known only to him who receives it. Will be fed spiritual knowledge given in Christ from God and a new name possibly for entrance to The Messianic Banquet, for the bearer it will be received as having been made righteous, redeemed by Christ, and their testimony of Him.
and repent of any immorality, false teachings and occultism.
PROMISED REWARD-Will be given authority to rule over the nations and given The Morning Star (Jesus, The Christ). For those who do Christ's works a different attribute of life is required from a Christian, they will be given a place with Christ in the final conquest over world forces, and will be forever with Him, in His Presence.
what you have received and heard about God's Gift of Grace and Kind Favour-repent
and be guided and adhere to The Truth of Christ and stay right with God
(righteous) until Christ returns.
PROMISED REWARD-Will be dressed in white and name will never be blotted out from The Book of Life. Will be acknowledged by name before God, The Father and His angels. To have one's name erased from this book indicates a warning to the possible loss of citizenship.
the Word of God, be patient and do not deny Christ -unbelievers will fall
at the feet of believers. Believers will be kept from the Hour of Trial
coming upon the earth.
PROMISED REWARD-Will be a pillar in The Temple of God. The Name of God will be written on the person and The Name of The City of God, The New Jerusalem inscribed on them. Will be forevermore strong and secure in the dwelling place of God. Names reveal character. Christ's new name, The Lamb, indicates that is by virtue of His accomplishment for Believers at The Second Coming. We are considered as He is, triumphant, tender, militant conqueror. The Holy City is a set-apart place of God.
not have luke-warmness towards the things of God, (if not zealous for the
works of God, or remain cold about them, there is no help for others or
useful service to God). Do not reject belief in Christ nor rely on self-dependency.
Do not remain untouched by Christ's Truth, but remain enthusiastic about
the things of God and keep spiritual eyes open, be not blinded to the realities
of truth in The Word of God.
PROMISED REWARD-Will have the right to sit with Christ on His Throne. Will have Royal distinction and honour with Christ in The Presence of God for those who are totally committed to Christ and faithfully follow.Him, bearing up under sufferance, oppression, in any situatioin or trial: to undergo being killed for not renouncing Christ is actually not defeat but is the Believer's victory as was Christ's, for what looked like His defeat through His persecution and death, was in fact His Triumph.
Believer's also receive a prophet's reward if
they receive God's prophets. A righteous reward for being a righteous person. A reward of glory (distinction and honour) is given to shepherds under Christ. Believer's receive a reward for revering God's Name and another for being a faithful disciple and servant. |
Revelation 22:12 "Behold I am coming soon! My reward is with Me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done."
Scripture- Revelation 1-4. QUESTIONS- 1] What is the factor that determines a person's destiny? 2] Who promised the eternal rewards? 3] Jesus suffered much to be faithful for our sakes, should we not be faithful to Him? 4] What are some of the extra eternal rewards? |
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