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The Book of Ecclesiastes is unique; it is man's unstable point of view on life and shows wonderful examples of wisdom literature. Skepticism and despair flees when life is remembered as a daily gift of God.

Ecclesiastes means speaker for a gathering assembly.

The purpose of the Book of Ecclesiastes shows the futility of vanity and the emptiness apart from God. The Book searches for the meaning of life. A series of practical lessons on wisdom are given. King Solomon wrote the contents of The Book of Ecclesiastes in the latter days of His life. Ecclesiasties is discretion and common sense. The arguments of the book are mankind's arguments not God's. The book explains of the tragic sin of forsaking God to seek philosophy and science as the purpose for all and then after the search, realising all things come from God.

Life under the sun is not worth living, but above the sun there is true happiness. True happiness apart from Christ is impossible.

The Book of Ecclesiastes is the fourth Book of Poetry, Wisdom and Instruction. It is a Pre-exile Book.

 Illustration of Vanity

 Proof of Vanity

 Uncertainty of Wealth and Life

 Follow Wisdom

 Fear and Obey God


Human nature does not always appreciate wise counsel, even if the value of it is proven beyond doubt of the quality of knowledge, discernment and understanding. Wisdom involves learning to assess the value of choices made.

Often the wisest choices are not always seem to be of worldly benefit. A foolish act of war may spoil a lot of good. When a foolish leader acts like a fool there is danger. Unfortunately fools do get into places of authority. Immature rulers are ignorant and do not think of the needs of the people. Every individual has tremendous influence for foolish or wise decisions in this world.

Wisdom is a quality of knowledge, and is a gift from God; it points to the foolishness of human intelligence. Wisdom brings political success and political advice. Wisdom is much needed in governmental areas. Leaders need astuteness to deal with affairs of a nation. Wisdom is better than strength, great than might and power or brawn.

Warfare is a characteristic of a fallen world and it is horrific nature. Scripture stresses that military might should not be trusted in rather than God. The wise will seek the best choice. People are to trust God and His wisdom rather than weapons of warfare.

True wisdom, which is a gift from God, is a tremendous influence for good.


Christ is portrayed as The Ultimate Joy of Salvation, Wisdom, The One Shepherd Who Gives Life.

Human nature does not always appreciate wise counsel, even if the value of it is proven beyond doubt of the quality of knowledge, discernment and understanding. Wisdom is better than strength, great than might and power or brawn. True wisdom which is a gift from God, is a tremendous influence for good.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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