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The Book of Deuteronomy is of Remembrance of The Law, giving the divine view rather than a human standpoint, an expansion of the original.

Deuteronomy means repetition, the Second Law.

The Book is a collection of farewell messages from Moses and He gives a prophecy from God of Christ to come.The generation of Hebrews who had receieved the covenant at Mt Sinai had died out and on the plains before entering The Promised Land, God renewed and sealed His promises to the younger generation. The message of Deuteronomy is the renewal of The Covenant, personal choices and life itself depends upon obedience. This Book reveals the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience.

God abundantly supplies the needs of His people, in return He asks for loyalty through Jesus Christ. Jesus often quoted and taught from this Book. He used the verses for spiritual warfare and quoted from this portion of the Old Testament more than from any other.

The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and last Book of Moses and The Law.


Deuteronomy 4:31a

The future of God's people continually depend upon God's mercy and love, with emphasis on His mercy, as far as a necessary balance on behalf of God's refining process. When God's people are rebellious and disobedient, God will judge those who refuse to repent. To receive God's forgiveness and kindness, the transgressor must seek God, when this is done, God's mercy will be found and proof of His committed love.

God in His mercy shields sinners from what they deserve. God's mercy is not confined to the nation of Israel. God demonstrated His mercy as a parent to those in distress or in just judgement.The merciful God alludes to His Name. It is a central aspect of His character. Mercy is a quality of His great compassion. His mercy is just and true. God chooses when and where to exercise His compassion, He responds in mercy to those who call Him.

The Act of salvation for humankind is God's mercy in action.

Christ is portrayed as The Accursed on the Tree for sin, as The One True Prophet to be raised up and Christ is also The Rock.

The future of God's people continually depends upon God's love, with emphasis on His mercy, as far as a necessary balance on behalf of God's refining process. When God's people are rebellious and disobedient, God will judge those who refuse to repent- To receive God's forgiveness and kindness, the transgressor must seek God, when this is done, God's mercy will be found and proof of His committed love.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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