The Church was commanded by Christ to Go into the world and make disciples of the nations.

Matthew 28:19
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".

A disciple is a student, trained, instructed, obedient, disciplined to serve The Lord Jesus Christ, and share what has been taught with others. In general it refers to all followers of Christ who are called Christians, not only in belief but also in lifestyle.

There is a vast difference between Salvation and Discipleship. Salvation is an unconditional free gift, discipleship is conditional, it is spiritual maturity of the Christian. A Christian grows from being 'born again' to a disciple of Christ. It is easier to master the principles, than to transfer their quality to every day living. Discipleship is for instruction in order that they might become firmly grounded in the Truth of and knowledge of Christ. Disciples are members of a priesthood in a Holy Nation. They move from redemption to service, from deliverance to dedication and worship.

Discipleship involves defined teaching marked by union, abiding in Jesus' teachings and His life. It is putting what Jesus taught into practice and not just knowledge of His instruction. The Apostles chosen by Jesus were representative disciples. Discipleship is seen in a person's relationship with God, other Christians and the world. Disciples abide in Christ and glorify God. They are to be active in the world but not of it, and be distinct from it.

Disciples learn from The Word of God, from The Teachings of Jesus and from the promptings of The Holy Spirit.

Discipleship begins with receiving the Word of God and continuance in The Word is the evidence in reality, as The Holy Spirit regenerates and restores. It is believing The Word of God, it is believing who Jesus is, that He came from heaven for the sake of mankind and returned there.

Discipleship is also to shape the character of the learner, to be like Jesus, taking His Life as an example to emulate.The consequences of answering Christ's call to be disciples are, serving Jesus obeying him and responding obediently to his commands.

Believers are called to be in a covenant partnership with Jesus and to live in close fellowship with each other. Disciples are those who are whole-heartedly commited to Him. It is necessary to open all areas of life to The Holy Spirit for any transformation to be more 'Christlike'.

The inspiration of The Holy Spirit and of the Word of God encourages a believer to desire and seek after righteousness and urges a believer to have an absolute covenant relationship as a disciple, with God, through Jesus. Joy, peace and true happiness are a benefit of discipleship. Disciples are recompensed abundantly in this life.

A Christian disciple is a person who 'bears their cross', that is total commitment with their lives under the headship of Jesus as Lord. Total commitment is a constant necessity on behalf of the disciple. A true disciple is commited to Christ and His Cause, which is to do the will of The Father.

John 8:31
"Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples."

As disciples of Christ, believers do not have to be passive. Jesus expects His disciples to produce fruits and do good works (godly works). They are to walk in Christ with love and to walk in The Holy Spirit. As believers die to the self -dominated life they show fruit in character and in service. The Holy Spirit works in a believer to produce a fruitful outcome.

Discipleship is not a doctrine, but a Christ-centred life following after righteousness, of dependence and obedience, from a spiritual child to a spiritually mature adult with genuine brotherly love, diligent to honour each other, hating evil, and desiring to be do good, but also to be prepared to suffer persecution.
Never lazy in service to The Lord Jesus but enthusiastically rejoicing in God's total plan, patient in trouble, prayerful, helping with needs of the saints, hospitable, blesses persecutors, sharing the joys and sorrows of others, unity of mind, having humility and meekness, not being revengeful, living peacefully and by doing Godly works. A disciple conquers evil by the Blood and Testimony of The Lamb, Jesus, The Christ.

A disciple is to proclaim the Kingdom of God and always as first priory, loyalty to Jesus, mankind's Only Redeemer and Saviour. For a follower of Christ there is no half- heartedness. With God there are no rivals, no divided loyalties. They cannot be ignorant of the right way of living and being a witness for Christ.

A disciple of Christ hungers and thirsts after God and follow His holiness is compassionate and merciful. A disciple is sincere and a lover of peace. A disciple puts Christ above all earthly possessions.

Jesus was confronted by impulsive volunteers, reluctant candidates, half -hearted followers but the conditions required for disciples are unrivalled love and obedience. Christ is to be set apart in their hearts as Lord. The Holy Spirit is included in fellowship with Christ as a partner. The Holy Spirit is the inspirer and interpreter of Scriptures, and transforms disciples into the likeness of Christ, their master.
Not all persevere in following Christ. Not all persevere in following Christ. When Christ is not Lord of a believer's life, it becomes a battle ground of conflicting interests. The Holy Spirit was given to enable disciples to keep Christ reigning in their lives. The Holy Spirit has been authorised to reveal the riches of Christ, the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and have them available for Christ's disciples.

John 14:15-17
Jesus said 15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever-- 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Love cannot be separated from obedience and The Holy Spirit will always stand by Christ's people. This also shows the trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Believers are indwelt by The Holy Spirit, The Gift of The Father, whose primary desire is to make dedicated followers 'Christlike' for discipleship, to be in a partnership with God. A disciple is in servant-hood, and is both a minister and a priest, which is being a reconciler (peace with God and others) and an intercessor. The purpose being for them to receive from the Holy Spirit who Glorifies the Son, who in turn glorifies The Father.
Disciples have hope and optimism in the abilities and timing of God. Disciples have many ministries and need supernatural anointing. Their supreme responsibility is to uplift Jesus. The least promising among many disciples can be used greatly of God, as God is given first priority in daily living.

The day's duties and responsibilities can be submitted and committed to God. The Bible has many details for daily living, principles that guide, commands to obey, warnings to heed, examples to imitate and promises to receive. God's interests come first and a disciple is to choose priorities very carefully.

Disciples benefit from many spiritual blessings and privileges. Disciples obey, serve, love as Jesus did.

A Christian disciple's conduct should be in keeping with the standards set by the Gospel. A lifestyle example is reverent behaviour, godly conduct. Warnings are against slander, fault finding, gossip and false accusations.

Perseverance, submission, diligence, endurance, steadfastness are traits that are necessary to aid the maturity of a disciple.

The quality of characteristics given to believers to help with conduct are nine gifts of The Holy Spirit.

LOVE- In God's love there is no selfishness.

JOY- A heart filled with devotion to God is a heart filled with the Joy of The Holy Spirit.

PEACE- It is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God.

KINDNESS- The tenderness of an act can mellow a cause that otherwise might seem harsh.

GOODNESS- This is simply going about doing good, the works of God.

FAITHFULNESS- It never gives up and it never lets down.

MEEKNESS- Jesus assured all, that it is the meek and not the aggressive that inherit the earth. The meek are willing to be in submission to God.

SELF-DISCIPLINE- Is not the control of self, but the self, composed by The Holy Spirit.

PATIENCE-The Holy Spirit imparts calm, peace and gives the strength of uncomplaining enndurance, when under pain or provocation, etc., in waiting, to have patience a little longer and quiet perserverence; to labour with patience.

A disciple needs the gracious ministry of the indispensable Holy Spirit. God does not hold to the bare necessities but opens up an inexhaustible source of blessings. Joy, peace and happiness result from being a disciple of Christ. Jesus promised peace as well as friendship.

Old Testament examples about the accounts of the 'birthright' inheritance reminded believers that they can forfeit God's blessings if not living responsibly as heirs of God's family, of His Kingdom.

Disciples need to be positioned, unshakeably in Christ, in submission to Him with unswerving trust and maintain an attitude of repentance, with a willingness to be continually taught from God's Word. They are to spread The Word of God, and tell of the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification of Jesus, The Christ.

SCRIPTURES Matthew 28;19, John 8:31, Galatians 5:22,23.
QUESTIONS 1] What did Jesus command? 2] does Salvation and Discipleship differ? 3] What makes a disciple? 4] What does the indwelling of The Holy Spirit produce?

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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