Daniel was a Major Prophet of Old Testament Israel In Exile. His ministry spanned seventy years while in captivity. 605-550 B.C.
The Book of Daniel is named after a Judean Royal Court youth of sixteen, hand picked to be deported to Babylon who became God's spokesman both to the Gentile world and to the Jewish exiles. Daniel the prophet is beloved of God.
Daniel means God is my Judge
Babylon was the most beautiful city in the world, filled with palaces, gardens, temples and bridges. Daniel lived and worked in the King's Palace. The prophecies of Daniel are known as the Apocalyptic Book of the Old Testament. The nine chapters put of the twelve chapter of the Book of Daniel revolve around dreams and God-given visions, all of which shows God's guidance and intervention in the affairs of humankind. The prophecies reveal the Coming Gentile Kingdoms including the Everlasting Kingdom of God and that God is a Triumphant Sovereign. The first part of Daniel's Book is written Aramaic and then in Hebrew. The work records the weeks until the Messiah would arrive and His 3 1/2 year ministry. Jesus refers to this book concerning prophecy. The prophet Daniel also repented for the nation's sin which brought about the movements of a returning nation to their homeland.
The written word of Daniel is the fifth and last Major
Prophetic Book. It was authored In-exile; it contains poetry and does include
the accounts of Israel's History while in captivity. The Book is
symbolic, apocalyptic, visionary and futuristic literature.
DANIEL 11:32 (b)
Some theologians think perhaps this verse referred to the Maccabees and their sympathisers, rebelling against Antiochus IV, King of Syria, in the year 160 B.C. the heir of Alexander The Great, as well as a further future fulfillment to come. Meanwhile there are continuous exploits done for God, with His help, by his people. In many different ways, God enables His people to overcome situations that otherwise seem impossible circumstances. This verse teaches all believers to stand fast for God's standards and for His righteousness.
God always has a faithful remnant. Despite the effects of sin, work can still be done to honour God. People are ordained by God to do work as service and praise. No matter what type of work is done as a task, it is a potential means of glorifying God. Work is stewardship from God Himself. God has determined that some of His purposes be fulfilled through the co-operation of human beings. God gives gifts needed for any of His work. The workers should always acknowledge their dependence upon God. God empowers His workers to live faithfully to their ordained purpose and plan He has for their life. To be strong in the Lord is profound dependence upon God.
Strength comes from God's presence. Spiritual strength is given so that believers can do all that is asked of them. To know God involves the heart, mind and will, it is experiencing His presence and power. To know God is to worship Him. To know God is to know His Word, His self-revelation of Himself, through Christ. To know God is to be transformed by His power. Knowing God the Father depends upon revelation; He gives them revelation through Jesus and through The Holy Spirit. People who know God have boldness to act for God. The lack of satisfaction and degeneration and eternal punishments comes from the peril of not knowing God.
Jesus is portrayed as The Great Rock, Son of Man, Coming Anointed One.
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