The Apostle's Creed is a brief statement of Christian belief, traditionally attributed to the early Apostles. It contains three important confessions; one for each person of the Godhead.
'I believe in God Almighty '
'I believe in Jesus Christ'
'I believe in The Holy Spirit'
These three assertions were addressed to candidates for baptism in the early church. Today it is widely agreed that the Apostle's Creed was indeed developed as the baptismal confession of faith. It is known as The Rules of Christian Faith, and continues to be used today for the same reason in the Christian Church and believing things that are true.
In The Work of Creation, all persons of Triune Godhead known as The Trinity, reveal The Bible are united not only in this act but all deeds throughout life itself. In The Work of Redemption, All persons of The Trinity were united in their work, although each having a different role to accomplish. In The Work of Salvation, all are participants.
Each clause of the Apostle's Creed is traced to many New Testament references and The Creed itself originated very early, to provide main points of the belief of Christianity so that it was acknowledged as separate from Judaism and pagan religions.
With the Reformation in the 16th Century came the establishment of Protestant churches and detailed creeds became necessary for the requirement of confession and faith, to emphasise the administration of baptism. This led to the obligation to the composition of new creeds that were much longer than the creeds of the early church. The Apostle's Creed is the earliest of all the Historic confessions and was applied for use in the 3rd Century.
There are no records of Christ descending into hell in the early traditions of true belief. It was added in the year A.D.380 by one person, but was not used. It surfaced again A.D.650, but the word correctly translated was meant burial, as in the grave and never intended to be taken as 'hell', which indicates suffering and torment.
Jesus on The Cross, told the criminal who believed him that that same day they would be in Paradise together, and at the moment of His death, Jesus placed His Spirit into the hands of God The Father.
The Centre of Jesus' person and work in Christianity
is indicated in the Apostles Creed, which has been in use in all branches of Christian assemblies for 2,000 years, and is still in use today.In The Work of Creation
, all persons of the Triune Godhead known as The Trinity, revealed in The Bible are united not only in this act but all deeds throughout Life itself.In the Work of Redemption
, all persons of the Trinity were united in their work, although each having a different role to accomplish.In the Work of Salvation
, all are participants.The Apostle's Creed helps people understand the Truth of Christianity and strengthens their belief.
People do trust in God, but many have different and definite ideas of the basic Christian doctrine.
The Creed for correct doctrine is found within the New Testament.
The Words of The Creed are found within the New Testament writings and is a safeguard against error.
The Creed proclaims refusal to worship no other than the Godhead and the belief in The Gospel. It reminds all that The Body of Christ is one, and not many different buildings and denominations. It is more important to be called a Christian before a denominational name. The One Church is Universal of which Christ is The Head.
There is a serious weakness of contemporary believers that is unbiblical and Anti-Christ. The Creed re-affirms the foundation of Truth attested by Scripture. The Creed declares to the existence of The Godhead, of the creation, Word of God, the character of God, miracles, The Person of Jesus Christ, The Atonement for sins, Jesus' Death, Resurrection and Ascension, The Work of The Holy Spirit, God's family, the perserveance and their preservation, and the union of believers and Christ.
Life everlasting is Life with God outstide the confines of space and time.
SCRIPTURES Matthew 16:13-16, 1Peter 3:15. |
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