6-THE CURSING OF THE FIG TREE-Jesus performed a supernatural and unique act upon the fig tree outside Jerusalem, during the final week of His time on earth. This is the only miracle in which Christ cursed instead of blessed. He destroyed the life of the tree instead of restoring it to produce.

Jesus had spent the night at Bethany. The next morning on the way, returning to The Temple in Jerusalem, He was hungry and noticed a fig tree without fruit, there were only leaves. He immediately cursed it, for to Him it was a symbol of deception and falseness.

Rapidly the fig tree withered up and The disciples were utterly amazed and asked, "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" Then Jesus told them, "Truly, if you have faith and You can get anything --anything you ask for in prayer--if you believe." (faith is trust and reliance in God).

The cursing of the fig tree was a symbolic denunciation by The Messiah of the hypocritical worship of Israel, which Jesus likened to the fig tree He had doomed. Jesus showed righteous outrage. Many leaders, scribes and teachers rejected Jesus Christ and encouraged the nation to do the same.
This single event teaches of two significant lessons that are related to conveying spiritual messages.
Fruit usually appeared on a fig tree before the leaves, and the tree Jesus cursed had been in full leaf, but bore no fruit. Such a fruitless tree, was useless, similarly, the Jewish Nation rendered to be unfruitful spiritually, because of legalism, man-made tradition and the hunger for power by those in charge.

A fruitless tree, a fruitless people. The nation was spiritually barren. The fruitless tree had failed in its purpose and Jesus rightfully expressed anger. In Israel Jesus had only found religious legalism without any holiness. Even though the nation through history had been delivered by miracles time and time again, their hearts remained stubborn to God.

Israel had every chance to choose to acknowledge Him, but they hardened their hearts. God continually warned them to repent. God promises blessings for obedience and destruction for disobedience.
Jesus came to save His people from their sin and its consequence; the damned fig tree was a warning. The symbolism is applicable to people of all ages, and not just to the nation of Israel.

Jesus removed a barren fig tree like a farmer who would take away a fruitless tree from his orchard. The perished tree was a symbol of that which was a reality.
By cursing the fig tree, it was cut off and died. The cursing of the fig tree is related to the first and the second cleansing of The Temple in Jerusalem by Jesus. The fig tree and The Temple had an appearance of life and activity but both were fruitless. They both were a pretence of being what they were really not. The Religious Leaders were forgetful of God.

Jesus had criticized these spiritual pretenders for being pious in public as they were more interested in human praise when they gave alms, prayed, and fasted than in God's reward. The religious authorities of the nation were also guilty of being judgmental of others' faults and ignoring their own. Jesus often called the Pharisees hypocrites because of the conflict between their external actions and internal attitudes. They were not loyal to God to whom the nation was bound by a promise and responsibility. and.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
Email address: faysuter.3337@gmail.com


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