Together we praise and adore You, Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your Christian Church, who are The Body of Christ on earth.
You have given us Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, by which we can grow
in the Knowledge of You and Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus. We are grateful
for Your Mercy, Love, Faithfulness and Guidance, Your Promises, Your comfort
and all Your Truths.
We rejoice that Our Lord Jesus Christ was obedient to Your Will, and we gratefully acknowledge that we are spiritually reborn because of the willingness that brought Him to the Cross for our sakes. Between us and the wages of sin was His Body; broken for us-His Blood shed for us. You did make Him to be sin for us, so that we could become righteous through Him, reconciled, brought back to You, Heavenly Father.
Thank You for Your Mystery which is revealed in Your Word-The Body of Christ-All One In The Spirit-Jew and Gentile alike. Humbly we acknowledge You, who the "heavens cannot contain", The All- Knowing, The All-Present God. We ask that The Holy Spirit convict the church of sin, of righteousness and judgement when we stray from Your Guidance, just as He brings to our minds, Your Love and Mercy, Your Forgiveness to the repenter, Consolation to the sad, Strength to the weary, Hope to the discouraged and deeper experiences of Your Grace to all who call upon You.
Father, we are grateful to You for the Testimony of Your Word, which is "a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path" and throughout Your Word You have revealed Yourself in Your Works and in Your Precepts; You have uncovered the sinfulness of our own hearts and You have made manifest Your Greatness by showing us Your Love in Christ Jesus.
All beauty is from You. In Your Presence there is the Fullness of Joy. Praise be to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. May we in The Body of Christ have a listening ear to what The Holy Spirit is saying from Your Throne Room. In The Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
Father God, We thank You for Jesus and The Holy Spirit, Your Promises
to Provide, the Principles of Love in Your Word; to love others as You
have loved us, for by this all men will know that we are disciples of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. You give us that genuine love for others; You Provide
the love through Yourself so that we can love and pray for others and authorities.
Your Word teaches us to forgive others and in doing so this helps us to
love them. Help us, The Body of Christ, always to choose to obey You by
forgiving others, humbling ourselves and not harbouring anger, stubbornness
or pride. Thank You that we have forgiveness from You because of Jesus,
when we ask and You teach us how to let go of all bitterness and self-pity,
for both are harmful traps. We need Your Unfailing Love, Your Comfort and
The Treasures of Your Word for they are a delightful joy to the heart.
Without Your Love we only see the faults and failures of others and ourselves. May our love be like Yours, to see the weaknesses but love anyway! Your Love changes us, then others. Your Love never fails! Teach us to look for the good in others and to respect others, sharing with them, not being selfish; for our own egos to die. May it be that Your Love will teach us patience and also to be even -tempered, not to keep a record of wrongs done to us, remembering all have done wrong to others and have made mistakes that affect others, yet they are still loved by You.
We ask for an added refreshing of the Fruit of Gentleness to develop
in The Body of Christ desiring restoration to attain Your Purposes. May
The Holy Spirit keep nudging our hearts until we learn. May all in The
Body of Christ yield ourselves to Your Word, for The Truth is from beginning
to end, the Witness of Christ, Inspired by You, Father God, through the
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
In The Name of Jesus Christ who showed Your Ultimate Love. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, May The Body of Christ praise, worship and bring Glory to You because of the Anointing of The Holy Spirit upon us. We worship The Rock of our Salvation, because You have revealed Yourself as a 'Pillar of Strength' to us through Christ Jesus, Son of The Living God, and on This Rock, we build our lives. Thank You Lord that the Anointing of The Holy Spirit is Your Powerful Manifestation to The Body of Christ today, containing the Riches of Your character, the Perfection of Your Divinity and all Your Wonderful Attributes that sustain the saints in The Body of Christ, individually and corporatively, feeding us, cleansing us, healing us, beautifying us, forgiving us, illuminating us and preparing us for our Eternal Life with You.
We are expectant always for revival and restoration through The Holy Spirit and to point the way for others to acknowledge Christ as their Lord and Saviour, so that they too, shall come to know all that Jesus has done for them. By the Anointing of The Holy Spirit upon us we are consecrated unto You, set apart, made holy, called Christians, after Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour, The Anointed One. We are the 'anointed ones', for Christ sent The Holy Spirit from You to His Body, the Church, when He ascended and was Glorified by You, Heavenly Father. He is Our Great High Priest, the Judge of the whole earth, The King of Kings, the Notable Prophet that Moses said would come; The Governor of the Nations, The Supreme Patriarch of All Ages.
The Anointing of The Holy Spirit weakens and destroys the evil of man. In the Name of Jesus, we thank You for this, Lord Jesus, for from the moment we believe, a fountain of heaven-sent virtue from the very Heart of The Father begins streaming into our lives, that we might become everlasting vessels for the Sweet Anointing of The Holy Spirit.
Thank You Father God, that The Holy Spirit gives abundant revelation and knowledge for the good of The Body of Christ and that He has given and continues to give us a desire, a life and a heart as good solid ground, fertile, deep, rich and the potential for productivity for Your Glory, through Christ.
May we show forth sincere, lasting fruit and the manifestations of the indwelling of The Holy Spirit, being Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness and Temperance; also the Boldness and Power From the Infilling of The Holy Spirit to Your Glory and our edification through Him.
The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Standy, our Guide and our Convictor
of Your Word.We ask that the Character traits of The Holy Spirit become
deeply rooted and mature into the imparted abilities He gives, to be available
'in or out of season' for this is part of our God-given responsibility.
Lord, we ask that The Holy Spirit would keep our hearts from hardening
and from ignoring Your Word, not forgetting Your Power which is displayed
so mightily through Jesus Christ and Your Word, for all eternity.
In The Victorious name of Jesus, we pray. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus, The Body of Christ, the Church, who belong to the "Firstborn of all resurrection", give You praise. We thank You for Your Only Begotten Son, who, because of His deep Devotion to You, Father God and because of His fervent Love towards us, for those who would become His saints in Your Kingdom, submitted Himself for us all.
The Holy Spirit unveils the Nature of Your Son, Father God, to us. He constantly teaches us through Your Inspiration how to maintain our position in Christ. Thank You Jesus, for sending forth Your Sweet Virtue upon us, Your Body, entrusting Your Own Personal Touch, Your Anointing, calling us to prayer, to testify, to comprehend mysteries prior to Your Birth, to administer deliverance, to help those who are needy and successfully combat evil powers because of Your Victory.
Our hearts overflow with Mercy and Grace from You, Heavenly Father, who has promised us, all who revere You, that Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. May The Body of Christ present itself worthy of Christ, living faithful, righteous lives, loving and praying for the saints and hating iniquity.
We are anointed with the 'Oil of Gladness' and have the privilege of ministering unto "The Anointed One'. Each day, we, as The Body of Christ should devotedly and obediently dip our 'shield of faith' into the warm oil of The Holy Spirit. Many times we are neglectful of this and we ask for Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness, Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus.
Continue to bless Your Children so that we can be a blessing to You.
Thank You that Your Blessings are for Eternity. May the saints learn and
not forget that it is more 'blessed to give than to receive', so then,
being co-heirs with Christ, and that we all seek to bless each other and
be an example to others; be willing to see 'the good' in others even though
we may not agree with them, may we see with the eyes of Christ and not
our own.
In The Wonderful Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Praise be to You, Father God, so Awesome from Everlasting to Everlasting, Your Love and Glory are like a boundless ocean. We thank You for that in revealing Your Son, it pleased You that all the Fullness of The Godhead should dwell in Him Bodily. Thank You that You are with us, Your Son is with us and Your Holy Spirit is with us, not only by Your Word but also by Your Presence.
You require honesty. You hate false-hood. You hate hypocrisy and deceit. We, as The Body of Christ should faithfully do the same, as well as having love, mercy and forgiveness. You have Given us, Your children of The Kingdom, The Fountain of Everlasting Life, because of Jesus; we thank You that through Him You meet all of our needs.
Steadfast Redeeming God, it is in view of Jesus that You now see us Pure in Your Eyes and we ask that You send forth a continual Flow of The Holy Spirit's Anointing upon Your Children so that we are supported and helped to be aware of purity in our hearts, having the right attitude in the core of our being towards You and to those not only in The Body of Christ but who yet do not know You. May The Holy Spirit cleanse, chastise and teach us to be moral and virtuous in our living. This can only come from You, for wisdom which is pure, comes from above. Your people wish not to be carnal minded, for that leads to death. Father, have mercy upon us and keep us pure, white as snow, and may The Holy Spirit convict us when we step out of Your Will. We ask the help of The Holy Spirit for renewal,
to keep pure minds,
pure thoughts,
pure consciences,
pure attitudes,
pure motives,
pure hearts,
pure emotions,
pure actions.
We allow you to continue to work in us, that which You have begun. It is the Blood of Christ which will eventually bring us to this position of such holiness when "Perfection comes'". Help us, in the meantime to be humble servants and clean vessels for the advancement of The Body of Christ, not contaminated with pride, self-seeking glory, self-exalting motives, to which we are all so prone; to die to self daily and to yield to the working of The Holy Spirit in our lives, in awe of You.
We are thankful Lord God, that You do not deal with us in a harsh judgmental way, but through mercy, kindness, justice and forgiveness; this is The Beauty of Your Character, which You have shown us through Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. It is In His Name, we pray. AMEN.
Forgiving Father, The Body of Christ sing praises to You. Glory be to Your Son, Jesus Christ and to The Holy Spirit. O God, You are Truly Great and are clothed with Honour and Splendour. Your Children of The Kingdom rejoice in You. We trust You because of Who You Are; You have proven Yourself.
We thank You for Jesus, Who is The Way, The Truth and The Life, and we thank You for Your Loving Invitation, "that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". We are grateful to those who have gone before us to proclaim the Gospel and we thank You for those who supported them in prayer and for the lessons learned from them for us to build upon.
We acknowledge that true revival within our hearts must come from You and Christ has taught us to pray, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Risen Christ, who sits at The Father's Right Hand always interceding and overseeing Your Church on earth, we humble ourselves before You to see The Father's Face and to turn from every wicked way; we confess laziness amongst the saints, help Your Body to face its sins and to experience a fresh cleansing, in Your Precious Name.
Forgive Your Church today Lord, as we confess to You disobedience to Your Great Commission. Many of us lack the love, the going, the praying, the giving; we ask Your Mercy upon us for the coldness of our hearts, our lack of compassion, our lack of concern for a world lost, separated from the Father. Help us and deliver us from this complacency and restore in us the desire to care and to have a love once again for the lost.
Raise Up Intercessors and Prayer Warriors, Watchmen who will not rest in prayer. Make known Your Name throughout other nations once again, with praise and thanksgiving from Your people, revive Your Church. We ask You to Pour out the Anointing of Ministries from The Holy Spirit upon Your people. Strengthen Your shepherds and their assemblies.
May The Holy Spirit convict and bring forth a true sincere, deep repentance from believers; cleanse Your Body, Lord, restore obedience, faithfulness and a yearning and a hunger for knowledge of Your Word and prayer; to be in vital union with You constantly. Bring forth a longing for Christian fellowship, moral standards and a love for others, according to the Word of The Father.
As on the Day of Pentecost, may Your Body be a 'flaming' bold witness
to the uttermost parts of the earth and help hasten the Day when every
knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
Glory of You, Father God.
In Your Name, Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour, we pray . AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Receive the worship and praise offerings from The Body of Christ and may we allow The Holy Spirit to purify us so the labour of our hands be useful to Your Glory.
We ask for Your Blessing to be upon our deeds for refined growth, through Christ. We ask Your Forgiveness as a Body and individually for the times we have wasted opportunities and completely forgotten that we are co-workers with You. We ask that those opportunities shall arise again.
We pray that those in The Body of Christ shall seek You for wisdom and insight from Your Word and The Holy Spirit, so that the material value of daily tasks do not take the place of spiritual tasks. As The Body of Christ, let it be that we each become a 'living letter' of Him, by helping, serving and sharing with others; our need of each other, planting, watering, and reaping, with You Father God, giving the increase.
Because we are Your people, we are glad that You find pleasure and joy in our praise and worship and that You manifest Your Glory in times of praise unto You. We confess that we have valued wealth and possessions above Spiritual Gifts from You and we have failed to love others as ourselves. We repent of this and ask forgiveness and Your mercy upon us, Your children. Renew a sense of responsibility in us to acknowledge You and Your Ways First in our lives and not anything created above You, The Source of All Creation.
Help us to keep Your Word in our hearts, renewing our values, priorities and morality with the prompting of The Holy Spirit. May we live a life worthy of the High calling to which is Your Purpose for us.
We refute arguments, theories, reasonings, every proud and lofty deception of error or vain imaginations that sets itself up against The True Knowledge of You and we bring every thought and precept unto the obedience of Christ, The Messiah, The Anointed One, Our High Priest.
By the Boldness of The Holy Spirit and Your Word, we cover the Body
of Christ with The Power of His Blood. We come before You, Father,
In the Most Valuable Name. Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Your Word teaches us that we are to individually and corporatively submit ourselves to authorities instituted among men-those that do not conflict with Your Word, and we must do this willingly and obediently, not to be men pleasers, but as unto You. Lord, many find this difficult to do, please help us all by the Power and Might of The Holy Spirit.
Help us maintain an attitude of submissiveness to You, Father God, to The Lordship of Christ Jesus, and to the Gentleness of The Holy Spirit; to submit to those in The Body of Christ, thus avoiding a broken relationship with You-brought about through our rebellion, pride and stubbornness.
May there be harmony and unity throughout the Body which come by the mutual loving of each other, just as Christ loves the Church, for if we are to bring others to be disciples of Christ to You, our own Covenant Relationship with You, Father God, should be firm and right, and within the Body, amongst other believers. Through the inspiration of that fellowship, we, with the help of Christ's Love, by The Holy Spirit are enabled to share the Love of God with the Lost.
This love is a conscious act of choice for the highest good for You, others and ourselves. There is never a lack of Your Love, but ours for You, and for The Body of Christ-our lack of co-operation to love others in Your Strength. We ask Your Forgiveness, Lord, for we repent and ask of Your Mercy. May each of us intercede in prayer for those who, to us seems 'unlovable', but lovable to You; to pray for those in authority over us and for fellow saints.
May each of us take the responsibility in restoring relationships that are broken and ask forgiveness of any wrongful action, to forgive others and ourselves, to sense their deepest needs and ask You Father to Provide for Christ's Church abundantly.We seek You, In the Precious name of Jesus, AMEN.
All-Providing Heavenly Father, Thank You for The Holy Spirit in our lives as promised. In Jesus' Name we would ask that You remove obstacles from our hearts and minds and anything in our lives that perhaps would hinder Your Will, our faithfulness to Christ or the working of the Holy Spirit in us, especially for giving and receiving to and from You as well as others.
Lord, we ask that You increase and nourish all that is good of the Body of Christ. We thank You for the boldness given so we can tell others about Christ who desperately need Him as we did and still do, for all desperately need Your Mercy and Grace which You already bountifully supply.
Help the Body of Believers to be always mindful, prayerful and prepared in a practical way to help the growth of Your Kingdom so that Your Name through Christ will be Glorified; and may we be aware that we are praying for Eternal Purposes. Thank You the Body of Christ can work together in unity and harmony flowing and agreeing by the renewing work of The Holy Spirit as we yield ourselves to Christ's Lordship and to Your Word.
Revive the Church with refreshings of Your Spirit, we pray, and continually anoint Your people anew mightily with the Precious Holy Spirit. May we all be aware of our dependency on You for all things. Thank You that we are Protected by The Blood of Christ and His All-Powerful Name.
It is our task to turn to You in need, to turn from wrongdoing and obey
Your Word, reflecting seriously and wisely about Your Truths, for Your
Word is available to us all and may it be used by those who exercise authority
and leadership. It is Your Desire that all be made Right with you and stay
Right with You, as it was by The Blood of Christ that reconciliation was
made possible.
In The Wonderful, Exalted Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Your people worship and adore You. We thank You that Your Word says the just shall live by faith, for man is never justified before You by works of righteousness alone or participating in religious ceremonies, nor becoming a member of a certain denomination or group of people. It is by Your Wisdom that we are justified by believing in the Finished Work on the Cross of Calvary, which was accomplished by Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
May He be Honoured and Glorified by all, for through Him and in Him we inherit the wonderful status of being justified, made worthy to receive Your Salvation; the status of being reckoned clean and pure before You, Father God. We thank Christ Jesus, for now You see us 'in Him'-How Awesome This Is! Praise be to Jesus, Our Forerunner, who has graciously made a way for us who were sin-filled, hell-bound men and women, to be washed, cleansed and transformed. This has been confirmed by The Miraculous Manifestation of the Power of The Holy Spirit.
We praise You Jesus, who stood in The Gap and made a Hedge of Protection of Grace around us, Your Body of saints. Only You could repair the severed relationship between man and God, The Father, and now You are the Only Mediator between us and The Father.
Father, we ask The Holy Spirit to quicken Your word to us, for Your Purposes in our lives. We long to produce Fruits of the Spirit and for our lives to express the Truth of All Things; to speak truly, to deal truly and to truly be a disciple of Christ. May we forgive each other freely as Christ has forgiven us; that we may be imitators of Christ, for He is our Example; to help us walk in Your Love each day and that the Love grows and matures in the Body of Christ, so that we have peace, harmony and unity among us. May we be aware to make allowances, to be ready to believe and see the best in each other.
We need Father, the Help of The Holy Spirit to be patient and kind, never envious, never boil over with jealousy, not to be conceited or arrogant nor inflated with pride. May we allow the Holy Spirit to correct us and to teach us not to be rude, but to respect each other, that we do not insist on our own way, nor self seeking, fretful or resentful. With Your Help and Strength we will take no account of wrongdoing against us and pay no attention when we are suffering for the sake of Christ and Your Kingdom or for being Christ's disciples.
We thank You for the Body of Christ; we will to be 'living letters'
for Christ, to be able to share Christ with unbelievers. May we, as Christians,
eagerly seek to acquire and respect Your Love which never fails under any
In The Precious Name of Jesus, AMEN.
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