God's armour
is made available to Believers for their triumphant
victory in personal
conflicts and temptations. His wisdom and power is
needed, and
total dependancy
upon God. Life cannot be lived without spiritual
confrontation, warfare
and with inner and outward battles.
Believers must be bold in God's
strength and use the armour he has provided.
They are able to stand firm with courage, determination,
watchfulness and with prayer. Believers should be rightly
clothed in garments ready for battle. God's armour is the
belivers strength to defend themselves against attacks
from the world, of the flesh and of any evil power.The
armour refers to the resources that
Christians possess to defend themselves.
This conflict
is between a Believer and principalities in the spiritual
and is over personal souls and of those in The Body of
Christ. Jesus.
Himself, is The Armour of Light and we are kept safe in
Him through
provision of the armour God has prepared for
Believers(Ephesians 6:10-18).
Protection for and defense of the soul like a fortress
is necessary so that we can stand against any type of
evil, false doctrines,
new ideas or trends that are contrary to The Word of God,
error of
Truth that would lead people away from The Truth and
Knowledge of
His Birth, His Life, His Death, His Resurrection, His
Ascension and His
Glorification; the Truth of Who He Is, and
His purpose in our lives.
A Believer puts on Christ and
which is overcoming the battle of the
lure and temptations
of the world which lead to total destruction.
A Christian's goal is to
escape the habits and desires that lead to death.
To overcome the world we need the power of Christ
through The Holy Spirit in our lives.