Almighty God and Father, Let all see for themselves the way You Shower Your Blessings upon Your people. Your Word teaches us and shows us the importance of trusting and revering You. You give attention to Your people when they ask it of You. You are Close to those whose hearts are breaking; You Rescue those who repent before You. What a Merciful God we have! You Freely Pardon all who take refuge in You.
We praise You and give thanks to You for pouring out Your Grace and Mercy upon us, for You have Reconciled us back to Yourself through Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Because of Christ You always lead us triumphantly and through us spread the Fragrance of The Knowledge of Christ, like a sweet perfume. You Comfort and Strengthen us in hardships and trials. You Give Your Joy to those who help others, for You, Yourself enjoy helping others. From the bottom of our hearts praises rise up to worship You.
How Great and Good You Are! You are Worthy to be constantly honoured! Your Steadfast Love, Your Faithfulness and Justice are solid! Your people are delighted with You, O Lord and we humble ourselves before You. You are The Fountain of Life, You Give us Eternal Rewards, because we believe Your Son. "The Stone that the builders rejected has become the capstone, the Lord has done this and it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the Day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Everything else is worthless compared with the excellence of knowing Christ Jesus, Our Lord. We look forward to what lies ahead; the Gift of Eternal Life, living forever with You, for our Homeland is in heaven. We are also eagerly awaiting The Return of Christ from heaven to earth as promised. Father, we thank You for answered prayer. InThe Priceless Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Almighty Sovereign God, Yours is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, Forever and Ever, Amen!
You cause us to triumph always, for -Your Love is Always available to us! -Your Mercy is Always available to us! -Your Strength is Always available to us. -Your Power is Always available to us! With You, Almighty God, there is never defeat-You Always Triumph! Hallelujah! There is Power when Your people praise You and You inhabit the praises of Your people. Thank You for Your Word and its Unfathomable Riches! Those who reverence You sing praises to Your Name! The Goodness of The Lord is Great! You, Yourself, Care for us and Protect us!
We rejoice in Your Faithfulness and Your Promises. Our Help is in You! You Refresh us! Hallowed be Your Name! With The Help of the Holy Spirit, we feel Your comfort and Love and Know of Your Caring!
Thank You Jesus, for it is You who made all this possible! All Glory and Honour is due You! Thank You Father, for reserving for us, Your children of Your Kingdom, the price- less Gift of Eternal Life that is kept in heaven for us; pure, undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay, and we know, Father God, that You will make sure that we get there safely to receive it, because we are trusting Christ!
We acknowledge Father God, that Your Plan of Salvation is given to all of mankind as a free Gift and You have promised to accept all people in every nation, who trust Christ because of Who He is and what He has done! We thank You for filling us with Your Spirit, giving us Justification, declaring us
Almighty God,
Your people praise You, for You Watch Over the paths of Your people. We wish to serve you with revered fear (awe), bowing before Your Son, Jesus Christ. Father, You are our Glory and You have declared us righteous before Yourself, only because of Jesus. We stand before You in awe, marvelling at Your Goodness. Those who put their trust in You should continually shout for joy. We give You thanks with all of our hearts.
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name fills the earth! We are so grateful for Your Justice and Mercy. All who seek You, Lord God Almighty, shall be satisfied. Your created people shall worship You, for all who are mortal shall bow before The Lord Jesus Christ.
You are Glad and Thrilled to Teach the Proper Path to those who stray from You. You Teach The Truth, The Way which is right and best to those who humbly turn to You. Every path You Guide us on is fragrant with Your Loving Kindness and Truth. Friendship with You is reserved for those who yield to Your Sovereignty; with them You Share Your Secrets. You keep us from slipping and falling for You have Given us Your Holy Spirit, Your Power; we have been given the Authority of Your Son's Name. We worship and praise You, Lord God of Hosts.
You, Lord are our Light and our Salvation. You will Always Welcome us when we call. Thank You that You cover us with Blessings of Your Favour.. We give You praise for Your Protection over us. You Save us because of Your Great Love You have for us, You Gave us Jesus, Your Son. It is in His Precious Name we come before you, AMEN.
Gracious Father, We offer thanks and praise to You for-
We have access to Your Throne because of Jesus; His Birth, Life, Death,
Resurrection, Ascension and His Glorification.
We thank You Jesus, that You are Interceding for us at The Throne of The
We boldly and confidently confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, Christ come
in the flesh from You.
We are a new creation in Christ, the old is gone, the new has come.
We are born of You by The Holy Spirit.
We believe and agree with Your Word.
We are overcomers through Christ Jesus.
We are partakers of Your Nature and Your Holy Spirit delivers Wisdom, Life,
Strength, Power and Faith. He Regenerates us, Renews our minds, Purifies
us and Separates the dross, He Matures us.
We are made Righteous in Your Eyes through Christ.
We are created in Christ for Your Good Works.
We are walking and living by The Power of You, Father God.
We have died to self, crucified with Christ, made Alive unto You.
We have been raised up with Christ in Power.
We go free from the yokes of bondage.
We go free from darkness into Your Living Life of Your Kingdom.
We have Your Protection, Provision, Mercy, Love and Justice. We have Your
Faithfulness always.
We partake in Christ's Victory.
We have His Authority to use His Name over sin, sickness, disease, weakness
and all works of evil, of the devil.
We will to do Your Works and Your Good Pleasure. We delight to please You,
Heavenly Father.
We have Life more abundantly because of Jesus Christ, Your son and by The
Power of The Holy Spirit.
We submit our lives to be one in Him, and He in us. Jesus is The Living
Word, and Your Word has Final Authority in our lives. In the Mighty Name
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Only Saviour of Mankind, AMEN.
Heavenly Father,
You have Revealed Yourself to us.
You have Given us Your Son. He is The Image of You, The Invisible God.
You have Given us Your Word and You have Given us Your Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Guides us into All Truth and Reveals Jesus to us.
We humbly submit to Your authority.
Father God, You are Spirit, Love and a Consuming Fire.
You are a Faithful God who Keeps His Covenant and Mercies with those who
love You and keep Your commandments. Father God, You do not lie.
Things that are impossible with man are Possible with You!
You Change Not! You are The Father of Lights, You shine Forever.
We belong to The Kingdom of Light. You are a rewarder of those who diligently
seek You.
With You there are no favourite persons.
What You have Promised You are Able to Perform!
You give us a servant's heart as we abide in Christ and in Your Word.
We become a living letter for Christ, walking in love.
Because of The Blood of Christ, we have been made The Righteousness of
You made our spirit Alive in Christ.
Your Spirit testifies that we are Your children, joint-heirs with Christ.
Every Gift and Blessing is for us!
You have Promised us Eternal Life!
All Your Promises are ours.
Thank You Lord God. We will to follow Your Ways from Your Written Word.
You will Help us understand Your Word through The Holy Spirit, if we but
Jesus has defeated Satan and our lives are hid with Christ in You. The
gates of hell will not prevail against us.
You have called us to serve in the physical domain and to reign in the
spiritual realm.
At the Name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow-all things in heaven
and things of the earth and things under the earth.
Your Word is Truth. It is Alive. It is Powerful and Equal with Your Name!
Your Name stands Forever, It Sustains All Things.
We confirm Your Word, with You, In The Almighty Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.
All-Powerful and Ever-Living God, Our Father,
We rejoice in Your Goodness and Love.
You Give us Grace to follow You in Virtuous Living.
You give us inexpressible joys that You have Prepared for us, from the
beginning of time.
What a Wonderful Order You have ordained! Ministries of men and of angels,
all under The Headship of Christ, Our Lord. You are A God of Mercy, seeking
those who are lost.
You Endow us with faith in Your Word and Anointings from Your Holy spirit.
You fill us so we can proclaim The Gospel of Christ, through word and deed.
Through Your apostles Your humble servants of Christ today, The Holy Spirit
equips them to boldly light The Gospel to allow The Truth to Shine throughout
the earth to receptive hearts.
Let every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to Your Eternal Glory. Worthy is The Lamb slain, to receive Power, Honour, Wisdom and Might. Our sincere praises and worship honours You.
You have shown us what is 'good', to love kindness and to walk humbly
with You.
Every Good Thing comes from You.
By Your Holy Spirit, we, the Body of Christ are governed and sanctified.
By Your Constant Care
You Preserve us in The Might and Power of the Holy Spirit.
We can trust in Your Faithfulness and we hide beneath the Shadow of Your
Wings during 'storms' in our lives.
Be exalted above and beyond the heavens, O Lord, Our God. We rejoice in
the Triumph of Right.
You are Changeless, we have Real peace with You, Father God, because of
You quieten our hearts.
You are a High Tower of Safety.
Jesus has brought us into this high privilege where we now stand and we
confidently look forward to actually becoming all that You, Father God,
had in mind for us to be.
You teach us patience, which helps develop a strong character in us and
this helps us to trust and believe more until our hope and faith is effective
and steady in You.
No matter what happens we know all is well with You and ourselves, because
of Jesus.
We believe and know that Christ died to save us, even though we were sinners,
He saved us from Your Wrath to come and from spiritual death and ultimately
physical death. Christ has brought us back to You, Father God, as You had
intended and we rejoice in this wonderful Reconciliation, all because of
the Love of Christ Jesus.
In His Glorious Name. AMEN.
Almighty God, Heavenly Father,
You make Wonderful Provisions for those who have chosen to reverence You
because of Christ Jesus.
Our guilt has been forgiven!
What happiness and joy and relief for those who confess their sin and are
completely forgiven!
You clear our record because of the Obedience of Your Son, Our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ.
You Surround Your people with Victory.
You Instruct and guide us.
Your Abiding Love surrounds us.
All the joys of the godly well up and praise You and it is right to do
Everything You do is Worthy of our trust.
You love whatever is just and good.
You have filled the earth with Your Tender Care of Your Promises.
Man’s plans change and fade, but Your’s O Lord stand firm.
You Watch over and Protect those who love You.
You in Your Mercy send Your Goodness to those who rebel against You. Our
hopes are in You Alone.
You have poured out Your Spirit on those who ask.
What a Just and Generous God You are!
We have great peace of mind and heart with You because of Jesus Christ!
Our lives are enriched by the Holy Spirit, He gives us understanding!
Your Promises are backed by the Honour of Your Name!
We will to praise You no matter what happen, we shall speak of Your
Glories and Grace.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we exalt You, Father God. AMEN.
Almighty God and Father,
You are The Supreme God who has committed Himself through Christ Jesus
to the people of Your Creation.
You have proven Your commitment to us.
You have revealed Yourself through Christ to His Body throughout the nations.
You are a Great and Awesome God, and we have not treated You as such; yet
as soon as we recall Your Greatness we affirm Your Loving Compassion towards
You are God, who proves to us, Your people, how Reliable and Faithful You
You always act on our behalf for our good, to make the bitter, sweet.
You Enrich our lives.
You give us full understanding of Your Love.
You make this known to us by The Holy Spirit and The Inspiration of Your
Your Gift to us includes, power to boldly witness The Truth, power over
sin, power over the flesh, power over satanic spirits, power over all oppression
and ultimately because of Christ there is power over death.
We are a crown, splendid in Your Hand.
You shelter us in Christ Himself. When You look at us, You see us covered
in The Blood of Christ, made Righteous before You. Your Grace is upon us.
All who seek You will be satisfied!
You are our Light. You always hear us when we call.
What Blessings You Cover us with!
You have filled us with Your Overflowing Presence and You Will Never Leave
The Holy Spirit which dwells in us gives us spiritual understanding, godly
wisdom and quickens our minds to Your Word.
We are continually being renewed.
Your Word is Truth! It holds us in place, assured, full of courage, trust
and belief in You.
Our Strength is being in Christ with You. Jesus Covers and Protects us.
We have Protection over our hearts to prevent bitterness and unforgiveness.
Thank You for Your Love and Your Caring for us.
In The Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN
Gracious Heavenly Father,
You are our Creator! You guard and Care for us!
We who believe in Your Son, Jesus, are blessed with every blessing in heaven.
We are the 'apple of Your Eye'.
You Protect us like an eagle watches over her young and carries them on
her wings.
Long before You Made the world, You Chose us to be Your Very Own.
You decided to make us holy in Your Eyes through Christ, without a single
We stand before You covered in Your Love.
It was always Your Plan to adopt us into Your Own Family. You Did this
because You wanted to!
Christ solves all our problems.
You have the world under Your control!
The seasons and the years are by Your command!
Day by day You pour out Your Steadfast Love upon us.
We are expectant for You to act in our lives as You have promised.
In The Name of Our Saviour Jesus, we stand firm in the knowledge of
The Reality of Christ and Who He is, Your Son, and on The Triumphant Victory
He accomplished for us! We know that neither death nor life, no angels
or principalities, no powers, nor things present or things to come shall
be able to separate us from Your Love, Father God, demonstrated by Our
Lord, Jesus Christ. You have clothed us with the Garments of Salvation,
covered us with The Blood of Christ and The Robe of Righteousness.
You Continue to Satisfy us with Your Loving Kindness. You have rescued
us out of the pit of despair. Christ has Triumphed over all our enemies
and we are expectant always for His Return as Promised.
A broken and contrite heart you will not ignore.
We wish not to be conformed to this world's system but to be continually
transformed by the Renewing Power of The Holy Spirit.
You are All-Sufficient, more than capable to meet our needs. You Bountifully Supply and Bless all who wish to follow Your Will and obey Your Word. You are a Tower of Strength in All Situations. Worthy is The Lamb slain to receive our praises. Thank You Jesus, Our Lord, In Your Name we come before Our Father. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Great is Your compassion, Mercy and Graciousness, for You are Slow to anger, and You abound in Love and Faithfulness. You Maintain Your Love to thousands, Forgiving a multitude of sins.
We will greatly rejoice in The Lord. Our souls shall be joyful in our God. You have covered us with The Robe of Righteousness. From You comes our Salvation. You Alone are our Rock-our Defense. You are the God of our strength, in You will we put our trust. You have delivered us from darkness. Through Christ we have the Forgiveness of sins.
We praise You for Who You Are. You are so good to us! You Forgive iniquities, Heal our weaknesses. You Redeem us from destruction.! You continually crown us with Your Tender Mercies. You satisfy us in all areas of our lives as we yield them to You. You have brought Glory to Your Name because of Your Saving Grace. You are True to Your Promises. You Help and Inspire us to serve You and others.
You are The Comforter of those who are sad. You are The Protector of those who are frightened. You are The constant Companion of the lonely. Your are the Constant Provider of daily needs. You Lift us, You Take off our heavy burdens. You Help us to mature and grow in Your Word. It is our constant boast that Your Love is towards us. We will to seek those things that are from above and not of the earth. It is by Your Power and Authority of Christ that we tread down the enemy. You Help us stand firm against deception, temptation and retaliation. You Help us out of all our troubles.
All humanity needs The Protection of Your Rivers of Delight and Your Many Mercies. We give You all the Praise, All the Glory, because of Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. In His Precious Name. AMEN.
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