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3 JOHN Date A.D. 85-95

The Third Book of John was written by John The Apostle because Christian teachers were being rejected in the province of Asia, an action that violated Christ's command.

John means God has been gracious

The Book is the Shortest Book in The Bible but it is personal and descriptive of terrible misuse of spiritual leadership because of personal ambition.

The letter also commended those who did support Christian teachers and missionaries that encourage fellowship with each other. By supporting Christian teachers believers become co-workers.

The theme of the text is hospitality and servanthood to Christian travelers, though they are strangers. Believers have an opportunity to either help or hinder the progress of The Gospel. Believers are to obey the Truth, love others and support the spreading of The Gospel and to welcome them in to their homes and supply their needs personally as well as financially. The individual churches of Asia Minor would have been gathering together in the private homes of Christians.

The Third Book of John is the sixth of seven Church Letters. This universal work is also considered a Book containing teaching. It is also the twenty-fifth of twenty-seven Books of The New Testament.




 Generous Hospitality

 Danger of Pride


3 JOHN 1:11 'Follow only what is good'.

To endeavour to obtain or to attain to do only what is good is to conform and comply with acts done in accordance with the authority and example of Jesus as a person.

Doing only what is good is beneficial to others and is characteristic of God. God is pleased with His people who follow after what is good and godly.

Continually doing good deeds show a habit of worthy and admirable acts regularly and not just occasionally. This produces a good reputation of being known to be trustworthy, and genuine. Those who follow after what is good shall be rewarded. Following after the things that are good is evidence of sincere repentance and commitment; it is the purpose of the new creation. Following after only what is good is being conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ. By following godly examples is being a faithful disciple. It is the purpose for which believers are saved. Personal dedication to do well results in well being.

The proof of commitment to God is to personally reject evil and embrace a life modeled after that which is good.

The life-style that is exhibited reflects the extent
of a believer's knowledge of God.


Jesus is The Name, The Source of Truth, and The Way.

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