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The Second Book of Samuel describes the enthronement of God's King and the establishment of the 'House of David'. Originally the two Books were one entire volume known as The Second Kingdoms.
Samuel means The Name of God.
The Second Book of Samuel is occupied with the biography of King David and the accounts of His Royal rule. It records a united nation from separate confederate tribes and the formation of a strong government. The announcement of the Davidic Covenant that promises victory over evil forever is focused on King David's royal descendants. Second Samuel begins to reveal God's plan of The Messiah to come. It also reveals obedience brings blessing but disobedience brings judgement. The Book narrates of David's successes, sins and his failure.
The Second Book of Samuel is the second of Royal History and the fifth Book of History of Israel in The Promised Land.
2 Samuel 7:28
God and His Work is a trustworthy foundation for Life because He and His Word is utterly reliable, dependable and consistent. God is The Spirit of Truth He does not lie. God's Word contains His promises, His works and the trustworthiness of their Truth. His extraordinary promises are truly irrevocable; they cannot be reversed or annulled. All people are to acknowledge that God can be trusted to fulfil His promises.
God's unique integrity is displayed throughout His Word and is further accentuated totally in Jesus Christ and His works as well as ultimately in the salvation of nations. The Truths of God in His Word are characteristic of Himself.
God can be trusted to fulfil His promises. God's Name is Truth, His quality as One God is Truth, so are His Works. His Works are reliable. God's unique integrity is emphasised by consistent truth in His Works.
He is The God of Truth., His true works are in His activity as Judge, as
Redeemer, Saviour, Creator, Provider, Gift-giver, Covenant Keeper and Providence
Jesus is The King with an Everlasting Kingdom. David's Monarch Descendant, True Servant of God, King of Jerusalem, of Melchizedek's Kingdom.
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Last updated August 2017