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The Second Book of Kings is an account of the continuing divided Kingdom's Royal History, and how sin outweighed righteousness. The judgment from God came upon His people. The exile of both Kingdoms was prophesied because of corruption and religious apostasy.
King means present kingdom ruler.

This Book is the one work with First Kings, but the two books were introduced because of translation, it could not fit on the one scroll. The books of Kings both span approximately 300-400 years from Solomon's reign to the Southern Kingdom in exile, as conscripted labour in Babylon. The source of information about the divided nation is the official court records from the royal archives in Jerusalem and at Samaria. Contents describe the Northern Kingdom's instability, evil, violence and the exile of the nation's inhabitants to Assyria and later Judah's exile. In the Southern Kingdom all of the monarchs were David's blood descendants, except for one queen, a relative by marriage.

The Book gives insight to the importance of the prophets of God and their role as officials. The North was scattered but Judah the Southern Kingdom was given seventy years in exile before they were free to return.

The Second Book of Kings is the fourth Royal History and the seventh Book of History of Israel in The Promised Land.


  Elijah and The Chariots of Fire

 The Prophet Elisha

 The Exile of Northern Kingdom

 King Hezekiah

 Babylon invades Judah

 The Fall of Jerusalem

2 Kings17:39

God alone is deserving of worship. The devotion of any other spirit or article is forbidden. The worship of anything other than God brings judgement. The Worship of angels is prohibited. To worship God is a command from The Almighty Creator. People are to worship the Godhead, God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit, and celebrate God's worthiness and honour. Worship means worth-ship. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are alone worthy of worship. People worship God in awe of His greatness, this includes praise and thanksgiving done with joy. Worship is also grounded in obedient godly living and serving. Worshipping God includes confession of sin, music, song, dance and the reading of His Word. All intelligent beings are to worship God alone.

This praise, adoration and reverence of God, both private and public is for the supreme reason of God's greatness, His love and His saving deeds. True worship is not automatic repetitious ceremony but a whole-hearted and sincere act based upon trust. A believer's worship is in deed as well as word. Genuine worship is done in a life of holiness. True worship brings blessing, guidance, deliverance, God's presence and a conviction of sin. Amen is an expression of worship.


Christ is portrayed by Elisha The Prophet among the people, emphasising Grace, Life and Hope. The True Royal Descendant of King David.

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