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After the Millennial reign, Jesus hands His authority and kingdom back to God, The Father, who has promised the redeemed a home of righteousness, a place with out sin that he has prepared for Eternity to live together with His people.Those who live with God are those who have their names written in The Lamb's (Jesus) Book of Life, who have obeyed, believed, trusted God and put Him first in their lives. John saw in a vision, a new earth with no oceans and The Holy city was there. No temple could be seen in The City, for The Lord God Almighty and The Lamb are worshipped there. The City has no need of sun or moon, for The Glory of God and The Lamb gave it light. There is only day, there is no night! Nothing evil will be permitted in it. Those who live there are those whose names are written in The Lamb's (Jesus) Book of Life-those who have obeyed, believed, trusted God and put Him first in their lives. There was a clear River flowing from The Throne of God and The Lamb. On each side grew The Tree of Life, man was restored as in the beginning. REVELATION 21,22

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Managed by Stefan Kreslin, Last updated August 2017